The Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee
[For the establishment of the Committee, see Foreign Relations, 1939, vol. v, pp. 42 ff. For the work of the Committee in 1940, see the following sections in this volume: The Inter-American Development Commission, pp. 374 ff.; Unperfected Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Bank, Signed May 10, 1940, pp. 346 ff.; Participation of the United States in the Inter-American Maritime Conference, Held in Washington, November 25–December 2, 1940, pp. 414 ff.; and Inter-American Coffee Agreement, Signed at Washington November 28, 1940, pp. 380 ff. The minutes of the Committee are contained in Pan American Union, Actas de las sesiones del Comité consultivo económico financiero interamericano (Washington, 1939–1945, 18 vols., mimeographed), the minutes for 1940 being contained in volumes ii-viii.]