Support by the Department of State of efforts of American oil companies to reach an agreement with the Mexican Government regarding their expropriated properties33

33. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1939, Vol. v, pp. 667719.

[1102] The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State

812.6363/6408: Telegram

[1103] The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State

812.6363/6417: Telegram

[1105] The Department of State to the British Embassy


[1106] The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State

812.6363/6467: Telegram

[1107] The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State

712.00/58: Telegram

[1109] The British Embassy to the Department of State


[1113] The Netherlands Legation to the Department of State


[1114] The British Embassy to the Department of State


[1116] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State


[1119] The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State

812.6363/6539: Telegram

[1122] The Mexican Embassy to the Department of State


[1127] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary of State (Welles)

812.52 Agrarian Commission/137