Ratification by Chile of the provisional commercial agreement of 1938 between the United States and Chile, bringing it into force January 5, 194039
[The following statement is reprinted from the Department of State Bulletin, February 17, 1940, page 191:
“Provisional Commercial Agreement with Chile
(Executive Agreement Series No. 119)
“The Department of State has been informed by the American Embassy at Santiago that the Chilean Government has taken the necessary steps to bring into definitive force as of January 5, 1940, the provisional commercial agreement between the United States and Chile effected by notes exchanged in Santiago on January 6 and February 1, 1938.
“This agreement continues in effect the provisions which have regulated commercial relations between the United States and Chile in recent years on an unconditional most-favored-nation basis, pending the conclusion of a more comprehensive agreement or treaty.
“The provisional agreement, which does not include tariff concessions on individual commodities, was published by the Department as Executive Agreement Series No. 119.”]
- For previous correspondence, see Foreign Relations, 1939, vol. v, pp. 403 ff.↩