710.Consultation(2)/24: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Bolivia (Jenkins)
26. Your 47, June 19, 3 p.m.15 The Bolivian Minister15a in conversation here yesterday indicated that his Government had offered the thought that the seat of the forthcoming conference might be in one of the South American capitals as a suggestion to facilitate the expeditious convening of the meeting, but that Bolivian attendance at the meeting was in no way to be considered conditional upon the selection of a South American capital as the seat of the meeting.
Would you please take an opportune moment to inform the Foreign Minister16 that while his feeling that the meeting should be held in one of the South American capitals is deeply appreciated, it has become evident from the replies already received that the other American governments have generally interpreted the twelfth resolution adopted at Panama last October to mean a commitment to hold the next meeting at Habana. It is therefore the sincere hope of the Department that in view of these circumstances Habana will likewise prove acceptable to the Bolivian Government.