710.Consultation(2)/20: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (Norweb)

75. Your 82, June 19, 10 a.m. Please inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs that while I am in complete agreement with him to the effect that the close and cordial relations now prevailing between the American republics would permit the rapid formulation by means of telegraphic consultation of a declaration on an important matter of common policy, I am of the opinion that the problems now confronting or about to confront the continent are of a sufficiently grave nature to warrant the immediate holding of a meeting similar to that held at Panama last October. It is not my opinion that the projected meeting at Habana should confine itself to declarations of a general character; it is my hope that it will lay the basis for constructive collective action in several directions.

Fifteen of the other American republics have already expressed agreement in principle with the Department’s proposal for a meeting.
