711.9112Anti-War/6: Telegram

The Chargé in Persia (Treat) to the Secretary of State

81. Legation’s 74 [76], August 29, noon.82 The following note in translator’s translation from the French has just been received from the Minister for Foreign Affairs: [Page 215]

“October 3rd, 1928.

Monsieur le Chargé d’Affaires: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the note which his Excellency Mr. Hoffman Philip was good enough to transmit to me on August 27th last and with which was enclosed the text of the multilateral treaty against war proposed by His Excellency Mr. Kellogg.

My Government, considering that the multilateral treaty signed at Paris is in harmony with its constantly pacific policy and the obligations imposed by the pact of the League of Nations on the members thereof; assured on the other hand that the text of the treaty does not contravene its right of legitimate defense; it being understood moreover that the reservations made by certain powers cannot under any circumstances or at any time create on the part of Persia any obligation whatsoever to recognize anything possible susceptible of contravening its territorial and maritime rights and possessions, gives its cordial adhesion to the international pact for the outlawry of war.

Please accept, et cetera. F. Pakrevan, Gérant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

  1. Not printed.