Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1928, Volume I

Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1928, Volume I
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President of the United States to Congress, December 4, 1928
- List of Papers
- General: (Documents 1–702)
- Treaty for the renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy,
signed at Paris, August 27, 1928 (Documents 1–197)
- Negotiation of the treaty (Documents 1–135)
- Notifications of adherence (Documents 136–197)
- Negotiation of the treaty (Documents 1–135)
- Participation of the United States in the work of the fifth session of the
Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference (Documents 198–229)
- Rejection by the United States of the Franco-British compromise plan for
naval limitation (Documents 230–250)
- Approval by the Secretary of State of House joint resolution favoring the
abolition of submarines by all nations (Document 251)
- Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft Convention on the
Private Manufacture of Arms and Ammunition and of Implements of War, second
and third sessions (Documents 252–268)
- Policy of the Department of State regarding the exportation of military
equipment to certain countries (Documents 269–270)
- Convention and protocol for abolition of import and export prohibitions
and restrictions, with supplementary agreement and protocol, signed at
Geneva (Document 271)
- Second International Conference for the Abolition of Import and Export
Prohibitions and Restrictions, Geneva, July 3–19, 1928 (Documents 272–301)
- International convention of the Copyright Union, as revised and signed at
Rome, June 2, 1928 (Documents 302–304)
- Adherence of the United States to the slavery convention, signed at
Geneva, September 25, 1926 (Documents 305–307)
- Ratification by the United States of the convention relating to the liquor
traffic in Africa, signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, September 10,
1919 (Documents 308–309)
- Convention signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, September 10, 1919, revising
the General Act of Berlin of 1885 and the General Act and Declaration of
Brussels of 1890 (Documents 310–311)
- Interest of the United States in efforts of the League of Nations to
control the traffic in narcotic drugs (Documents 312–319)
- Participation of the United States in the International Telegraph
Conference at Brussels, September 10–22, 1928 (Documents 320–323)
- Proposed disposition of property held by the Alien Property Custodian (Documents 324–347)
- Proposals to European countries for agreements and treaties regarding
naturalization, dual nationality, and military service (Documents 348–351)
- Second International Conference on Emigration and Immigration, held at
Habana, March 31–April 17, 1928 (Documents 352–355)
- Sixth International Conference of American States, held at Habana, January
16 to February 20, 1928 (Documents 356–369)
- Preliminaries (Documents 356–363)
- Conventions (Documents 364–369)
- Preliminaries (Documents 356–363)
- International Conference of American States on Conciliation and
Arbitration, held at Washington, December 10, 1928, to January 5, 1929;
Preliminary arrangements (Documents 370–397)
- Establishment of permanent commissions under treaty to avoid or prevent
conflicts between the American States, signed May 3, 1923 (Gondra
Treaty) (Documents 398–402)
- Good offices of the United States in the reestablishment of diplomatic
relations between Chile and Peru (Documents 403–423)
- Tacna-Arica dispute: Beginning of direct negotiations between Chile and
Peru at the suggestion of the United States (Documents 424–436)
- Boundary disputes (Documents 437–585)
- Bolivia and Paraguay (Documents 437–482)
- Colombia and Nicaragua (Documents 483–492)
- Dominican Republic and Haiti (Documents 493–499)
- Guatemala and Honduras (Documents 500–585)
- Bolivia and Paraguay (Documents 437–482)
- Good offices of the Department of State in behalf of American interests
desiring to establish air lines in Latin America (Documents 586–684)
- Pan American Airways, Incorporated (Documents 586–630)
- Huff-Daland Dusters and Keystone Airplane Corporation (Documents 631–636)
- Proposed air mail service between the United States and Chile (Documents 637–645)
- Department of Commerce flight—Demonstrations by Curtiss Company and
Consolidated Aircraft Corporation (Documents 646–660)
- Boeing Airplane Company and Pratt and Whitney Motor Corporation (Documents 661–672)
- Tri-Motors Airways concession in Argentina (Documents 673–676)
- Possible extension of American air lines to Venezuela (Documents 677–684)
- Pan American Airways, Incorporated (Documents 586–630)
- Representations by foreign governments with respect to Senate bill
relating to payment of advance wages to seamen on foreign vessels (Documents 685–694)
- Representations by foreign governments regarding Senate bills for the
deportation of certain alien seamen (Documents 695–702)
- Treaty for the renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy,
signed at Paris, August 27, 1928 (Documents 1–197)
- Albania: (Documents 703–716)
- Recognition of Zog I, King of the Albanians (Documents 703–712)
- Treaties of arbitration and conciliation between the United States and
Albania, signed October 22, 1928 (Documents 713–716)
- Recognition of Zog I, King of the Albanians (Documents 703–712)
- Austria: (Documents 717–817)
- Negotiations respecting subordination of the Austrian relief loan to a
proposed new Austrian loan;
authorization of a debt agreement (Documents 717–784)
- Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights between the United
States and Austria, signed June 19, 1928 (Documents 785–811)
- Treaties of arbitration and conciliation between the United States and
Austria, signed August 16, 1928 (Documents 812–815)
- Disinclination of the United States to enter into a treaty with Austria
granting to immigrants equal rights with citizens in matters of legal
protection (Documents 816–817)
- Negotiations respecting subordination of the Austrian relief loan to a
proposed new Austrian loan;
authorization of a debt agreement (Documents 717–784)
- Bolivia: (Documents 818–819)
- Brazil: (Documents 820–838)
- Disapproval by the Department of State of proposed refunding in the
American market of State of São Paulo loan of 1926 (Documents 820–821)
- Refusal of the Department of State to disapprove loan to State of São
Paulo because of claim of American firm against State (Documents 822–832)
- Assistance of the Department of State in protecting patent rights of the
Symington Company in Brazil from infringement by Belgian firm (Documents 833–838)
- Disapproval by the Department of State of proposed refunding in the
American market of State of São Paulo loan of 1926 (Documents 820–821)
- Bulgaria: (Documents 839–843)
- Index