Bolivia and Paraguay41
41. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1927, vol. i, pp. 315–322.
[437] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Bolivia (McGurk)
[438] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (Poindexter)
[439] The Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 21.]
[440] The Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 16.]
[441] The Minister in Bolivia (Kaufman) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:05 p.m.]
711.3412 Anti-War/1: Telegram
[442] The Minister in Bolivia (Kaufman) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 12—10:30 a.m.]
711.2412 Anti-War/6: Telegram
[443] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Bolivia (Kaufman)
724.3415/222: Telegram
[444] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck)
724.3415/222: Telegram
[445] The Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:28 p.m.]
724.3415/224: Telegram
[446] The Minister in Paraguay (Kreech) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:55 p.m.]
724.3415/239: Telegram
[447] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck)
724.3415/239: Telegram
[448] The Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 9—12:25 a.m.]
724.3415/244: Telegram
[449] The Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 9—12:30 p.m.]
724.3415/243: Telegram
[451] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Bolivia (Butler)
724.3415/244a: Telegram
[452] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss)
724.3415/244b: Telegram
[453] The Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 11—12:22 a.m.]
724.3415/246: Telegram
[454] The Chargé in Bolivia (Butler) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:15 p.m.]
724.3415/245: Telegram
[455] The Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:30 p.m.]
724.3415/247: Telegram
[456] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss)
724.3415/253a: Telegram
[457] The Chairman of the International Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration (Kellogg) to the Bolivian Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (Palacios)
724.3415/302: Telegram
[458] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss)
724.3415/247: Telegram
[459] The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 11—4:15 p.m.]
500.C 112/437: Telegram
[460] The Paraguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs (Zubizarreta) to the Chairman of the International Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration (Kellogg)
[Received December 11—9:50 p.m.]
724.3415/302: Telegram
[461] The Bolivian President (Sites) and the Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (Palacios) to the Chairman of the International Conferenee of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration (Kellogg)
[Received December 11—11:10 p.m.]
724.3415/302: Telegram
[462] The Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 12—6:13 a.m.]
724.3415/253: Telegram
[463] The Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 14—11 a.m.]
724.3415/265: Telegram
[464] President Coolidge to President Guggiari
724.3415/248: Telegram
[465] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Bolivia (Kaufman)
724.3415/255a: Telegram
[466] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss)
724.3415/255b: Telegram