54. Of the eleven conventions adopted at Habana on Feb. 20, 1928, the United States ratified six, the texts of which are printed herewith. The other conventions were those with respect to (1) private international law, (2) revision of the convention of Buenos Aires regarding literary and artistic copyright, (3) treaties, (4) diplomatic officers, and (5) asylum. For the texts of these five conventions, see Sixth International Conference of American States, Havana, 1928, Final Act, and Report of the Delegates of the United States of America to the Sixth International Conference of American States.
[364] Convention Regarding Commercial Aviation, Signed at Habana, February 20, 1928
Treaty Series No. 840
[365] Contention Regarding the Status of Aliens, Signed at Habana, February 20, 1928
Treaty Series No. 815
[366] Convention Regarding Consular Agents, Signed at Habana, February 20, 1928
Treaty Series No. 843
[367] Convention Regarding Maritime Neutrality, Signed at Habana, February 20, 1928
Treaty Series No. 845
[368] Convention Regarding the Duties and Rights of States in the Event of Civil Strife, Signed at Habana, February 20, 1928
Treaty Series No. 814
[369] Convention Regarding the Pan American Union, Signed at Habana, February 20, 1928
Unperfected Treaty No. J–10