Treaties of arbitration and conciliation between the United States and Albania, signed October 22, 1928
[713] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Albania (Hart)
Washington, April 24,
1928—6 p.m.
711.7512A/2: Telegram
[714] The Albanian Minister (Konitza) to the Secretary of State
[Washington,] October 9,
[715] Arbitration Treaty Between the United States of America and Albania, Signed at Washington, October 22, 1928
Done at Washington
the twenty-second day
of October in the year one thousand nine hundred and
Treaty Series No. 770
[716] Conciliation Treaty Between the United States of America and Albania, Signed at Washington, October 22, 1928
Done at Washington
the twenty-second day
of October, in the year one thousand nine hundred and
Treaty Series No. 771