Second International Conference for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, Geneva, July 3–19, 19287

7. For official records of this Conference, see League of Nations, Second, International Conference for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, etc.: Proceedings of the Conference (C.611.M.187.1928.II). For correspondence concerning the First Conference, see Foreign Relations, 1927, vol. i, pp. 246 ff. The texts of the convention and protocol together with the supplementary agreement and protocol which resulted from these two Conferences are printed pp. 336 ff. For further correspondence concerning French regulations regarding motion picture films, see vol. ii, pp. 844 ff.

[272] The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State


[273] The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State


[274] The Chargé in Switzerland (Moffat) to the Secretary of State


[275] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson)

560.M2/145: Telegram

[276] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson)

560.M3/15: Telegram

[277] The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/29: Telegram

[279] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson)

560.M3/23: Telegram

[280] The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/24: Telegram

[281] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson)

560.M3/25: Telegram

[282] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson)

560.M3/32: Telegram

[283] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/28: Telegram

[285] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/34: Telegram

[286] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/36: Telegram

[287] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/35: Telegram

[288] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/37: Telegram

[289] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/39: Telegram

[290] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/38: Telegram

[291] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/41: Telegram

[292] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/42: Telegram

[293] The Secretary of State to the Chief of the American, Delegation (Wilson)

560.M3/43: Telegram

[294] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/44: Telegram

[295] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/46: Telegram

[296] The Secretary of State to the Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson)

560.M3/47: Telegram

[297] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/48: Telegram

[298] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/49: Telegram

[299] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/50: Telegram

[300] The Secretary of State to the Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson)

560.M3/53: Telegram

[301] The Chief of the American Delegation (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

560.M3/55: Telegram

  1. Telegram in three sections.