Efforts by the United States to protect the interests of American archeologists in Egypt1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1924, vol. i, pp. 714723.

[36] The Minister in Egypt (Howell) to the Secretary of State

883.927/100: Telegram

[37] The Chargé in France (Whitehouse) to the Secretary of State

883.927/106: Telegram

[38] The Minister in Egypt (Howell) to the Secretary of State

883.927/105: Telegram

[39] The Chargé in Great Britain (Sterling) to the Secretary of State


[40] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Howell)

883.927/105: Telegram

[42] The Minister in Egypt (Howell) to the Secretary of State

883.927/109: Telegram

[43] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Howell)

883.927/109: Telegram

[44] The Minister in Egypt (Howell) to the Secretary of State

883.927/112: Telegram

[45] The Minister in Egypt (Howell) to the Secretary of State
