The Chargé in Great Britain (Sterling) to the Secretary of
London, April 9,
[Received April 20.]
No. 923
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my telegram
No. 46 of March 5th, 11 a.m.,18 regarding excavation and research work in Egypt, and
in this connection to forward copy of a Foreign Office Note setting
forth certain views of Lord Lloyd.19
I have [etc.]
For the Chargé d’Affaires
First Secretary of
The British Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs (Chamberlain) to the
American Ambassador (Houghton)
My Dear Ambassador: I told you last month
that I was consulting Lord Lloyd as to the kind of support which
would be best calculated to help the official representations which
the State Department propose to instruct the United States Minister
in Cairo to address to the Egyptian Government urging some
modification in their Antiquities law.
[Page 68]
Before replying to my enquiries Lord Lloyd thought it well to make
sure that these representations would be viewed sympathetically by
the French Director General of the Antiquities Service. He has now
telegraphed that, being satisfied on this point, he is prepared to
support your Minister’s representations and will concert with the
French Minister as to the form which their support should take.
Believe me [etc.]