- Temporary withdrawal of United States war vessels from Haitian waters
because of presidential election (Documents 216–220)
- Visit of President Borno of Haiti to the United States (Documents 221–225)
- Agreement between the United States and Haiti according mutual
unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, signed July
8, 1926 (Documents 226–232)
- Commercial convention between France and Haiti, signed July 29,
1926 (Documents 233–239)
- Promise by the United States not to raise certain objections to the claims
agreement between France and Haiti, signed June 12, 1925 (Documents 240–250)
- Support by the United States of Haitian refusal to arbitrate with France
the question of paying interest in gold on gold loan of 1910 (Documents 251–257)
- Boundary dispute with the Dominican Republic