812.00/24764: Telegram

The Chargé in Mexico (Hanna) to the Secretary of State

440. The local press today publishes the following circular telegram sent yesterday to all Mexican diplomatic representatives in foreign countries:

“Through telegraphic advices from abroad I am informed that the press of the United States as well as of Europe has published the rumor that certain governments in renewing their relations with ours have established or wish to establish specific conditions, it being stated that these will be included in protocols and special treaties.

You will deny these unfounded statements because as I have made public on more than one occasion the Government in Mexico will [Page 194] under no circumstances consent to relations with other countries being renewed upon the bases of conditions which affect the decorum of our fatherland.

It would not be just or acceptable that an attempt be made to impose upon us that which we are bringing to a realization voluntarily and through conviction. Our attitude based on morality and right shall be the only guarantee offered for considering our Republic to be in harmony with the other civilized peoples of the earth.

Negotiations of whatever nature they may be, entered by our representatives of whatsoever rank or standing, that do not conform to the policy announced by me on various occasions in public statements I have made and which is ratified by this circular, shall not merit the approval of the Executive office at present in my charge.

Signed, Adolfo de la Huerta.”
