701.3212/60: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Morgan)

62. Your October 24, 4 p.m. and Department’s October 26, 7 p.m.

The Secretary of State is today issuing a statement to the press referring to the discussions which have, for some time, been in progress between the Department and the Confidential Agent in Washington of the Mexican Government, and in particular to a note recently received from him. The announcement contains the following significant statement:

“The new Government of Mexico has given indication of stability, sincerity and a creditable sensitiveness to its duties and their just performance…,33 The letter of Mr. Pesqueira offers a basis upon which the preliminaries to recognition can confidently proceed, and I am hopeful that within a short time the sympathetic friendship and the patient forbearance which President Wilson has manifested toward the Mexican people during the long period of their internal disorders will be fully vindicated. The desire reflected in Mr. Pesqueira’s letter for the confidence and amicable regard of the United [Page 193] States is fully reciprocated, and I am happy to believe that the last cloud upon the ancient friendship of the two peoples is soon to disappear.”

In view of the gratifying desire of the Brazilian Government to cooperate with this Government concerning recognition of the present Government of Mexico, the Department desires you to communicate the above to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and inform him that this Government will notify the Government of Brazil before according formal recognition to the present Mexican Government.

  1. Omission indicated in the original telegram.