The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 25.]
Sir: Supplementing my telegrams of the past week in reference to recognition of the new Mexican regime by foreign governments, I have the honor to report that the local press has quoted the Mexican Foreign Office to the effect that the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs recently intimated to General Eduardo Hay, the Mexican Minister in Rome, that Italy probably will soon recognize the de la Huerta Government. The Minister is reported to have added that he is of the opinion that no country is legally justified in interfering in Mexico’s internal affairs.
The press this morning announces that a special Guatemalan mission, headed by Mr. Marcial García Salas, is now at Laredo en-route to this city to arrange for mutual recognition between the Mexican and Guatemalan Governments.
The local press has also reported that Dr. Antonio Dimas Fimento Ferlosa and Mr. Quang Ki-tsen are acceptable to the Mexican Government as Ministers from Brazil and China respectively: that Mr. Jesus Urueta has been named Minister to Buenos Aires; that Mr. Fernando Lera, present chief of Mexican Protocol, has been appointed Minister to Norway; that Mr. Balbino Davalos has been given the mission of Confidential Agent to Great Britain and that Dr. Enrique González Martinez is to be made Minister to Spain. I am informed, however, that Senator Juan Sanchez Azcona is to be appointed to the mission last named.
I have [etc.]