812.00/24209: Telegram

The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State

288. It is reported that the diplomatic corps will soon be invited to meet Provisional President de la Huerta. The dean of the diplomatic corps, in the belief that the Provisional Government is legally constituted and that recognition is unnecessary, states that he is disposed to accept such an invitation when extended.

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One of the local papers today prints a statement evidently given out by the Foreign Office to the effect that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France has announced that it regards the Provisional Government of Mexico as [legally] constituted and that special recognition is therefore unnecessary.

Mr. Iglesias Calderón intimated to me yesterday that he felt he would be able to make clear in Washington that the present Provisional Government in Mexico is the legal Constitutional successor of the Carranza Government and that rerecognition is unnecessary.
