882.51/1052: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Johnson)
7. Your No. 6, January 22, 10 am.
You should strongly convey to the Liberian Government the very unfortunate impression which the reported action of the Liberian Legislature has made on the Department at the very moment when this Government, in evidence of its sincere and disinterested friendship for Liberia, is bringing to completion the plans for thoroughgoing financial and economic rehabilitation of the Republic. In the view of this Government, the attitude of the Liberian Legislature is most inopportune and inappropriate and shows a regrettable lack of desire to cooperate and is distinctly at variance with the announced policy of the Liberian Government. The Department is unwilling to believe that the reported action of the Legislature represents the mature and considered judgment of the Republic but is constrained to say that unless the acts referred to are immediately nullified and assurance given of the intention to conform to the principles outlined in the Reform Program, and notably the submission to the Financial Adviser of proposed concessionary legislation, this Government will be under the necessity forthwith of suspending all further plans and negotiations for the proposed American loan.