Reports from the Minister in Haiti and the Financial Adviser charging failure of the Haitian Government to observe the terms of the agreement of August 24, 1918—Complaints by the Haitian Government alleging arbitrary interference by the American treaty officials—Suspension of the salaries of the Haitian President and high officers of state by order of the American Minister—Insistence by the United States upon cooperation in legislation—Withdrawal of the order suspending salaries
[675] The Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard) to the Secretary of State
Port au Prince, December 11, 1919.
[Received January 2, 1920.]
[Received January 2, 1920.]
[676] The Financial Adviser to the Government of Haiti (McIlhenny) to the Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs, Department of State (Rowe)
Port au Prince, July 21, 1920.
[Received September 21.]
[Received September 21.]
[680] The Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard) to the Secretary of State
Port au Prince, August 5,
[Received 5:25 p.m.]
[Received 5:25 p.m.]
838.516/147: Telegram
[681] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard)
Washington, August 5,
1920—5 p.m.
838.002/85: Telegram
[682] President Dartiguenave to President Wilson
Port au Prince, August 6, 1920.
[Received August 10.]
[Received August 10.]
838.51/943: Telegram
[683] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard)
Washington, August 6,
1920—6 p.m.
838.516/147: Telegram
[684] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard)
Washington, August 7,
1920—4 p.m.
838.516/147: Telegram
[685] The Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard) to the Secretary of State
Port au Prince, August 9, 1920—10
[Received August 10—5:46 p.m.]
[Received August 10—5:46 p.m.]
838.002/86: Telegram
[686] The Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard) to the Secretary of State
Port au Prince, August 9, 1920—5
[Received August 10—6:58 a.m.]
[Received August 10—6:58 a.m.]
838.516/148: Telegram
[687] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard)
Washington, August
12, 1920—6 p.m.
838.51/943b: Telegram
[688] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard)
Washington, August
12, 1920—7 p.m.
838.51/943a: Telegram
[689] The Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard) to the Secretary of State
Port au Prince, August 20, 1920—11
[Received August 21 (?)—10:50 a.m.]
[Received August 21 (?)—10:50 a.m.]
838.51/948: Telegram
[690] The Haitian Chargé (Blanchet) to the Secretary of State
Washington, August 21,
[691] The Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard) to the Secretary of State
Port au Prince, August 21, 1920—2
[Received August 22—5:20 p.m.]
[Received August 22—5:20 p.m.]
838.51/947: Telegram
[692] The Haitian Chargé (Blanchet) to the Secretary of State
Washington, August 23,
[693] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard)
Washington, August
26, 1920—7 p.m.
838.51/948: Telegram
[694] The Secretary of State to the Haitian Chargé (Blanchet)
Washington, August 27,
[695] The Haitian Chargé (Blanchet) to the Secretary of State
Washington, September 8,
[696] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard)
Washington, September 8,
[697] The Secretary of State to the Military Representative in Haiti (Knapp)
Washington, September 8,
[698] The Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard) to the Secretary of State
Port au Prince, September 10,
[Received 11 p.m.]
[Received 11 p.m.]
838.51/964: Telegram
[699] The Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard) to the Secretary of State
Port au Prince, September 20, 1920—5
[Received September 21—11:06 p.m.]
[Received September 21—11:06 p.m.]
838.044/4: Telegram
[700] The Military Representative in Haiti (Knapp) to the Secretary of State
Port au Prince, 23
September, 1920.
[Received September 28.]
[Received September 28.]
[701] The Acting Secretary of State to the Haitian Chargé (Blanchet)
Washington, September 27,
[702] The Military Representative in Haiti (Knapp) to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Navy
U.S.S. “Minnesota,”
October 2, 1920.
[Received October 4.]
[Received October 4.]
838.51/981: Telegram
[703] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard)
Washington, October 4,
[704] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard)
Washington, October
8, 1920—noon.
838.51/981: Telegram