838.516/147: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Bailly-Blanchard)
60. Your August 5, noon.
Department is surprised that you have taken action reported without previous reference to Department for its decision in the [Page 772] matter. You are instructed in the future to keep the Department informed, daily if necessary, of all developments in the present situation which will assist the Department in forming an opinion as to the policy which it is necessary to pursue in view of the antagonistic attitude of the Haitian Government, but Department must insist that you take no further action which is likely to commit this Government or to prevent the Department from acting freely on its own judgment of the situation, without previous instructions. The Department desires you to cable at once by what authority under existing Treaty rights you have instructed the Financial Adviser to suspend payment of the salaries of the President and other officials of the Haitian Government.