
The Haitian Chargé (Blanchet) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary of State: In connection with and as a consequence of the grave incidents which I have just had the honor to bring to the notice of the Department of State, my Government directs me to make known to Your Excellency that the profound sense of its responsibilities toward the Haitien nation and its earnest desire to maintain and strengthen the good understanding and spirit of cooperation that are so necessary between itself and the representatives of the Government of the United States to insure a normal and useful execution of the Treaty of September 16, 1915, and a faithful observance of the Haitien Constitution, make it its plain duty urgently to ask Your Excellency kindly to institute an investigation of the facts brought to your notice.

My Government is convinced that a serious investigation immediately set on foot by special agents appointed for that purpose by Your Excellency, will not fail to bring out the fact, not only that the demands of the representatives of the Government of the United States in Haiti are severe and unwarranted, but also exclude every possible aid, and hamper the national Government.

My Government is also convinced that Your Excellency will not fail to appreciate how timely and urgent such investigation will be. It has, therefore, instructed me to express a firm hope that Your Excellency in the interest of the Government of the United States as well as the correctly understood interest of the Republic of Haiti, would see fit to order that measure of great justice.

I beg [etc.]

A. Blanchet