Representations by the United States on behalf of existing American interests in Palestine—San Remo Agreement, April 24, 1920—Exposition by the Government of the United States of its views on the obligations of the British Government as mandatory to apply the principle of equal treatment to the nationals of the United States

[544] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis)

467.11 St 25/42: Telegram

[545] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Wright)

467.11 St 25/50: Telegram

[546] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Secretary of State


[547] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Secretary of State


[548] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis)

800.6363/143: Telegram

[549] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis)

800.6363/145: Telegram

[550] The Consul General at Berlin (Coffin) to the Secretary of State


[551] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Secretary of State

800.6363/163: Telegram

[552] The Chargé in France (Harrison) to the Secretary of State


[555] The Ambassador in France (Wallace) to the Acting Secretary of State
