[Page [902]] [Page 903]- American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief. See Turkey: Near East Relief.
- American Committee for Relief in the Near East. See Turkey: Near East Relief.
- American Red Cross, assistance in earthquake in San Salvador, 801, 802, 803–804, 805
- Anglo-Persian Agreement (Aug. 9). See under Persia.
- Armenians. See under Turkey.
- Arms and munitions. See under Mexico.
- Asylum, granting of. See Honduras: Revolution of López Gutiérrez: U.S. Legation; and Netherlands: German Emperor and Crown Prince, former.
- Austria, maintenance of blockade by Supreme Blockade Council, 813
- Bailey, Lt. Col. Walter C., investigation and reports on attacks on Jews in Poland, 752, 760, 765–768, 769, 770
- Bertrand, Francisco. See under Honduras.
- Bogen, Boris, investigation and reports on attacks on Jews in Poland, 752, 760, 765–768, 769, 770
- Bográn, Francisco. See under Honduras.
- Bond issues (see also Loans). See under Dominican Republic; Ecuador, Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co.; and Haiti.
- Brazil, custody of German cables, 520, 521
- Bristol, Rear Adm. Mark L., appointment as High Commissioner in Turkey, 812–813
- Bulgaria, reopening of trade: Supreme Economic Council approval, 813–814; U.S. announcement, 814
- Cable concessions. See under Liberia.
- Cables, status of former German, 520, 521, 524–525, 525–527
- Carranza, Venustiano. See under Mexico: President.
- Catron, Peter, murder of, 572; U.S. representations, 540–541, 572; Mexican attitude and reply, 541, 573–574
- Chinese in Mexico, U.S. good offices for protection of, 576–577
- Chosen (Korea). See under Japan.
- Claims and claims commissions. See under Dominican Republic; Haiti; Liberia; Mexico; and Nicaragua.
- Crane, Richard, appointment as U.S. Minister to Czechoslovakia, 85–92
- Crowder, Gen. Enoch H. See under Cuba: Electoral reform.
- Cuba:
- Elections, 1920 presidential:
- Guaranty of freedom through U.S. supervision:
- Nominating conventions:
- Electoral reform:
- Elections, 1920 presidential:
- Czechoslovakia:
- Danzig, U.S. Commissioner at: appointment, 94; arrival and arrangements for recognition as U.S. consular officer, 94–97
- Dawson, William, appointment as U.S. Commissioner at Danzig, 94–97
- Dominican Republic:
- Advisory Council of Dominicans: organization, 138–139; personnel, 139–140; first meeting, 140–141
- Banditry, suppression of, 99–100, 106, 118–119, 121, 126–128
- Bond issue of 1918. See Claims Commission of 1917 and Customs Receivership, infra.
- Claims Commission of 1917, findings, 102–103, 122–123
- Customs Receivership:
- Assignment of duties: War Dept. request for regularization of procedure, 155–156; State Dept. attitude, 157–158
- Extension by 1918 bond issue: interpretation of Military Government, 145–146, 146–147; objection of State Dept., 146, 147–148
- Funds to amortize 1918 bonds, pledge of additional, by Executive Order No. 272 of Military Governor, 103, 123, 148–151
- Internal revenue funds: request for approval of control by Military Government, 151–154, 158–159; State Dept. attitude, 154–155, 159–160; War Dept. attitude, 160–161
- Tariff surcharges: request of Military Government for transfer from Internal Revenue, 161; State Dept. attitude, 162–163; transfer, 168
- Guardia Nacional, improvement, attitude of Military Governor, 100, 120; State Dept., 119; U.S. Minister, 119
- Henríquez y Carvajal, Francisco (former Provisional President): Advisory Council, offer of membership, 138, 140, 143; Dominican independence, activities for, 98–99, 106–107, 136, 138, 139; memoranda and recommendations, 107–118, 128–130, 130–131, 132–133, 134–135, 137–138; Military Governor, attitude, 120–121, 133, 130–137, 138, 141–144; U.S. attitude, 130, 131–133, 136, 145; U.S. Minister, views, 136, 141
- Military Governor, reports, 99–105, 121–128, 139–141
- Tariff revision:
- Dresel, Ellis L., appointment as U.S. Commissioner to Germany, 241–246
- Earthquake in San Salvador. See Salvador.
- Ecuador, Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co.:
- Bonds, payment of interest on: assurances of payment, 171, 189–190, 192, 193; daily deposits from customs revenues, question of continuance, 172, 175, 180–181, 185, 188, 197; misunderstanding over coupons, 178–180, 185–193; payments, 171, 175, 177, 178, 185, 189, 193; refinancing, question of, 175, 177–178, 197–199; U.S. representations, 176–177, 185–188, 190–191, 196–198, 199, 200
- Foreclosure by foreign bondholders: U.S. representations against, 194; postponement, 196
- Relations with Government:
- Advisory Commission: appointment proposed, 174, 175, 176; conclusion of modus vivendi, 181–185; recommendation for arbitration, 194; U.S. attitude, 177; U.S. Minister, views on arbitration, 194–196
- Claims, Government agreement to pay, 194, 195
- Rates: Government order for reduction, 172–174; railway company, attitude, 174, 176; U.S. attitude, 177
- Status, 194, 199–200
- Egypt:
- British protectorate: U.S. recognition, 202–204; U.S. interpretation of recognition, 207–209
- Self-government: U.S. sympathy with desire for greater, 203, 204, 462; alleged U.S. view that Egypt is self-governed, 204–205; U.S. denial, 205–207
- U.S. Agent and Consul General at Cairo: appointment, 201; arrival and reception, 201–202
- El Salvador. See Salvador.
- Enemy property. See under Guatemala and Honduras; see also Liberia: Cable concessions: German, former; and Liberia: Wireless station, German.
- Finland:
- Elections, results, 211–213
- Government:
- Recognition as de facto by Great Britain, 214, 215; by United States, 211, 213, 214, 215–216; Finnish appreciation of U.S. action, 217
- Recognition as de jure: Finnish requests, 220, 224–226; recognition by Great Britain, 223–224; recognition by United States, 226–227
- Uniform policy of the powers toward recognition of, efforts to obtain, 210–211, 213–214, 223
- Minister to the United States: provisional recognition as Minister of de facto Government, 218, 219–220; reception as Minister of de facto Government by President Wilson, 220–223; recognition as Minister of de jure Government, 226–227
- U.S. Commissioner, appointment, 216, 218, 219
- U.S. Legation, establishment, and appointment of Chargé d’affaires, 226–227
- Foster, Lt. Reginald C, reports on attacks on Jews in Poland, 751, 753–754, 762–763
- France:
- Germany:
- Crown Prince, former. See under Netherlands.
- Emperor, former. See under Netherlands.
- Property, former. See Guatemala: Enemy property; Honduras: Enemy property legislation; Liberia: Cable concessions, German; and Liberia: Wireless station, German.
- Trade: policy of Allied Powers toward reopening, 236–237, 238, 813; U.S. attitude, 238, 239–241
- Trade with United States, reopening: discussion, 234–238; U.S. consular officers, appointment unofficially, 234, 235, 243–244, 245; U.S. license for limited trade, 238, 239; U.S. policy, explanation, 239–241
- U.S. Commissioner: appointment, consideration of, 241–243; appointment of Dresel, 243, 244; departure for post, 245–246
- Gibson, Hugh S., U.S. Minister to Poland. See under Poland.
- Grant-Smith, Ulysses, appointment as U.S. Commissioner to Hungary, 410–412
- Great Britain (see also
- Finland, recognition of Government, 214, 215, 223–224
- Liberia, interests in. See Liberia.
- Oil concessions in Palestine and Mesopotamia:
- Prince of Wales, visit to United States: acceptance of U.S. invitation, 247–249; account of visit, 249n; exchange of messages on departure, 249–250
- Troops in the Caucasus. See Turkey: Armenians: British troops in the Caucasus.
- Guatemala:
- Currency reform (see also Kemmerer and National bank, infra):
- Enemy property:
- Decree of seizure: text, 290–293; U.S. assistance in drafting, 287, 288, 289–290
- Lease by U.S. interests, 293–294
- Liquidation:
- Arrangements, 295–296, 297–298, 302
- Delay, 295–296, 298–300, 301; U.S. attitude, 295, 296, 300–301, 301–302
- Guatemalan attitude, 272, 288, 293–294, 297, 298–300, 301
- Proceeds, safeguarding of, 288–289, 294, 295
- Purchases by U.S. interests, 272, 275, 287, 297; Guatemalan attitude, 272, 288, 298, 301; U.S. attitude, 296, 300, 301–302
- Resolution authorizing sale, 302
- U.S. attitude, 289, 295, 296, 297–298, 300, 301–302
- Kemmerer, Edwin Walter, currency survey:
- National bank, proposed loan for (see also Currency reform, supra): Guatemalan attitude, 271, 272, 273, 276, 277; Kemmerer recommendations, 281–282, 282–283, 284–286; possible participation of U.S. interests, 272, 275, 283; U.S. attitude, 272, 273, 283
- Piñol y Batres, Bishop José: agitation against Government, 263–265; arrest, 265–266; free speech, U.S. representations on behalf of, 266; President’s promise of leniency, 266–267; release and departure, 267–268
- “Unionist” opposition party: formation, 263–264, 267–268; guaranty by United States for free elections, request for, 268–269; program, 269–270
- Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co. See Ecuador.
- Haiti:
- Bank, agreements (Apr. 12 and Oct. 24) for issuance of currency and payment of indebtedness: need for currency, 352–353, 355–356, 357–358; simultaneous conclusion of agreements, insistence, 341–342, 354, 355–357, 358, 359; texts, 362–370; U.S. attitude, 348, 354, 358, 360–361
- Bond issue (see also Treaty of 1915 with United States: Protocol and exchange of notes, infra), U.S. authorization of special, 371–373
- Claims commission. See Treaty of 1915 with United States: Protocol and exchange of notes, infra.
- Customs officials, request for right to appoint and dismiss, 314–316
- Loans. See Bond issue, supra.
- Martial law: appeals for abolition, 314–316, 328, 329–330, 333; increase of forces, 329; Treaty officials, views, 330–331; U.S. attitude, 328–329, 337, 339
- Peace Conference, Versailles, appointment of delegate, 313–314
- President Dartiguenave, arrangements for U.S. direct communication with, 303, 309
- Treaty of 1915 with United States, modification:
- Agreement (Aug. 24) providing for U.S. approval of legislation: discussion, 304–305, 307–309; text, 309; U.S. application, 310; violation by Haiti, 336
- Agreement (Dec. 3) providing for U.S. control of disbursements, 312; Haitian attitude, 322–325, 327–328
- Protocol and exchange of notes (Oct. 3) establishing a claims commission and authorizing a loan: Haitian financial situation, 340–342; negotiations, 342–346; texts, 347–352
- Treaty officials, arrangement for regular conferences, 305–306
- U.S. occupation: Haitian complaints against, 311, 316–328, 331–336: Treaty officials, views, 312–313, 330–331; U.S. attitude and replies, 318, 336–340
- Harbord, Gen. James G., Chairman of U.S. Military Mission to Armenia: appointment, 827, 828; report, 841–889
- Haskell, Col. William N., appointment as High Commissioner in Armenia, 826–827
- Haynes, Thornwell, appointment as U.S. Commissioner to Finland, 216, 218, 219
- Heck, Lewis, appointment as U.S. Commissioner to Turkey, 810–11
- Henríquez y Carvajal, Francisco. See under Dominican Republic.
- Honduras:
- Bertrand, Francisco. See Revolution of López Gutiérrez, infra.
- Bográn, Francisco:
- Enemy property legislation: aid of United States in drafting, 400–403; approval and promulgation, 403–405; constitutionality, question of, 405, 406–407; enforcement, U.S. attitude, 405–406; executive order of enforcement, 407–408; López Gutiérrez, attitude, 408–409
- Free elections, attitude of Bertrand, 376, 381; Bográn, 392; López Gutiérrez, 388–389; United States, 376, 380, 383–384, 386, 389, 391–393
- López Gutiérrez, Rafael (see also Revolution of López Gutiérrez, infra): election as President, 393, 394; U.S. recognition of election, 395
- Revolution of López Gutiérrez:
- Arbitrary rule of President Bertrand, 374–376, 377–379; Bertrand’s denial, 376; U.S. attitude, 376, 379–380
- Bertrand’s efforts to quell rebellion, 380–381, 382–383
- Bertrand’s plan to attack revolutionists via Nicaragua, 382; Nicaraguan attitude, 382; U.S. attitude, 383
- Resignation and departure of Bertrand, 384–385
- Revolutionary forces, entry into Tegucigalpa, 386, 387, 388
- Succession of Bográn as Provisional President, 386–387, 388, 391; U.S. attitude, 386
- U.S. good offices: offer, 383–384; acceptance, 389–390
- U.S. Legation: asylum to opposition members, 378, 382; blockade by Government, 378–379; lifting of blockade, 381–382; U.S. attitude toward asylum, 379
- U.S. flag, insult to: U.S. protests, 395, 396–398; Honduran attitude, 395, 396; Honduran expression of regret and punishment of offenders, 398–400
- Hungary:
- International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico, activities, 544
- International Committee of Bankers on Mexican Affairs: formation, 644–646, 647–649; U.S. attitude, 646–647, 649
- Italy, extension of arbitration convention of 1908 with United States, 413–414
- Jadwin, Maj. Gen. Edgar, member of U.S. Mission to Poland: appointment, 769, 770, 773; report, 786–800
- Japan:
- Anti-American sentiment, 416–417, 428
- Anti-Japanese agitation in United States, 418–419, 419–420
- Chosen. See Korea, infra.
- Korea (Chosen): interference of U.S. citizens in political affairs, 460, 462–463; advice of U.S. representatives, 458–460, 461; Japanese attitude, 458, 459; U.S. attitude, 460, 462–463
- Picture brides, entry into United States:
- South Manchuria Railway Zone:
- Tientsin incidents:
- Accounts of disorders: Japanese, 422–424; U.S., 420–421, 424–425
- Commissions of investigation: Japanese, 421, 436–437, 441; U.S., 421, 437, 441
- Discussions between U.S. and Japanese officials in China, 421, 423–424, 428, 430, 432–437, 438–440; Japan, 424–428, 428–429; United States, 426, 427, 437–438, 440–444
- Events of Mar. 12: Japanese version, 422, 423, 427, 428, 429, 430, 433, 436–437, 439, 440, 442, 443–444; U.S. version, 421, 424–425, 432, 433, 434–436, 437, 440, 441, 442, 443
- Expressions of regret:
- U.S. citizens. See under Korea and South Manchuria Railway Zone, supra.
- Jenkins, William Oscar. See under Mexico: U.S. citizens and property, protection of.
- Jews. See under Poland and Rumania.
- Johnson, Homer H., member of U.S. Mission to Poland: appointment, 769, 770, 773; report, 786–800
- Jugoslavia. See Yugoslavia.
- Kemmerer, Edwin Walter, currency survey in Guatemala. See under Guatemala.
- Korea. See under Japan.
- League of Nations, Mexican attitude toward, 542, 547
- Leguía, Augusto B. See under Peru.
- Liberia:
- Cable concessions:
- French: abandonment, possibility of, 515, 517, 519; alternate connections, question of, 520–521, 522–523
- German, former: French desire to utilize, 468, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 511, 512–513, 514–515, 516–517, 519, 523–524, 525; British attitude, 513, 514; Liberian attitude, 504–505, 506–507, 507–509, 511, 512, 513, 514–515, 519, 520, 522; U.S. attitude, 467, 506, 509, 510, 511, 513–514, 521, 525–526
- Claim, British: presentation, 472, 485–486; settlement, 503–504
- Loan, 1912 international (see also Receivership, international, infra), refunding: U.S. proposal, 479, 484, 491–492, 509, 512; U.S. provision of funds, 499
- Loan, U.S.:
- Agreement: discussion of nature of, 474–475, 476–477, 478–479; U.S. Treasury proposal, 499–503
- Availability, question of, 482–483, 488–489, 492–493, 495–503
- Commitments, determination of the Department of State to abide by, 487–488, 490–495
- Liberian authorization to accept, 465–466
- Need for, 480, 488, 489–490
- Receivership, U.S. proposal for all-American. See Receivership, U.S. proposal for all-American, infra.
- U.S. authorization of, 473–474, 499–503, 504, 509, 518
- Order, U.S. assistance in restoration and maintenance, 528–530
- Railway concessions: British proposal, 527; French proposal, 468, 472, 505–506, 510, 516, 520; Liberian attitude, 520; U.S. attitude, 467, 469, 470–471, 506, 510, 511–512, 517–519, 521, 527
- Receivership, international:
- Receivership, U.S. proposal for all-American:
- Attitude of France, 464–465, 472, 473, 475, 476, 491, 515–516; Great Britain, 472, 473, 475, 476, 482, 484–486, 491, 710; United States, 465, 466–467, 484, 486–487, 488, 491, 715–716
- Discussions: at Paris, 467–473, 481, 484; at Peace Conference, question of, 464, 465, 466, 468, 469, 515–516, 710
- Draft agreement: decision to prepare, 473; nature, question of, 474–475, 476–477, 478–479
- U.S. mandate or protectorate, attitude of France, 464–465, 473, 515–516; Great Britain, 472, 473, 476, 477; United States, 465, 467, 472, 474, 478, 715
- Wireless station, German: question of use, 521, 522, 523; U.S. attitude, 523
- Cable concessions:
- Loans (see also Bond issues). See under Guatemala: National bank, proposed loan for; Haiti; Liberia; and Panama.
- López Gutierrez, Rafael. See under Honduras.
- Lubomirski, Prince Casimir, appointment and reception as Polish Minister to United States, 745
- Magruder, Alexander, appointment as U.S. Chargé d’Affaires in Finland, 227
- Manchuria Railway Zone, South. See under Japan.
- Mandate or protectorate. See under Liberia and Turkey: Armenians.
- Masaryk, Jan, appointment as Czechoslovak Chargé d’Affaires in Washington, 92–93
- Masaryk, Thomas G., President of Czechoslovakia, remarks on reception of U.S. Minister, 91–92
- Mesopotamia, oil concessions. See Great Britain: Oil concessions in Palestine and Mesopotamia.
- Mexico:
- Arms and munitions, exportation from United States: Mexican requests, 548, 549, 550, 554–555; shipments, 549, 550; U.S. embargo, proclamation and enforcement, 551–555, 594
- Bandit activities (see also U.S. citizens and property, protection of, infra): depredations, 535, 557–558, 559, 563–564, 565–569, 570, 571–572; U.S. good offices for protection of Chinese in Mexico, 576–577; U.S. representations, 569, 570, 575; Mexican replies, 569–570, 577–578
- Border disturbances. See U.S. forces, activities on the border and Villistas, infra.
- Chinese in Mexico, U.S. good offices for protection of, 576–577
- Citizens in United States, attacks on, 534–535, 536
- Claims Commission of 1917:
- Extradition proceedings, resumption by United States, 538, 544–545
- International Boundary Commission, activities, 544
- International Committee of Bankers on Mexican Affairs: formation, 644–646, 647–649; U.S. attitude, 646–647, 649
- Land interests, U.S. (see
Oil concessions, U.S., infra):
- Agrarian Law of Sonora: text, 615–623; U.S. representations, 614–615, 623–624; reply of Government of Sonora, 626–631
- Richardson Construction Co.: proposed sale of property for non-payment of taxes, U.S. protest, 624–625; request for U.S. representations for favorable court decision, U.S. attitude, 631–632; taxation of, Mexican attitude, 533–534
- League of Nations, attitude toward, 542, 547
- Monroe Doctrine, declaration of non-recognition, 542–543, 545–548
- Oil concessions, U.S.:
- President Carranza: message to Congress, 531–544, 563–564; Monroe Doctrine, interview on, 540–548
- U.S. citizens and property, protection of:
- Attacks and depredations on, 538–541, 566, 567, 570, 575–576; U.S. representations and requests for protection, 570–571, 575, 582–583; Mexican replies, 570, 571, 577–578
- Catron, Peter, murder of, 572; U.S. representations, 572; Mexican attitude and reply, 540–541, 573–574
- Jenkins, William Oscar (U.S. Consular Agent):
- U.S. forces, activities on the border:
- Villistas:
- World War, attitude toward, 542
- Monroe Doctrine, Mexican declaration of nonrecognition, 542–543, 545–548
- Morgenthau, Henry, head of U.S. Mission to Poland: appointment, 769, 770, 773; report, 773–785
- Muscat, treaty of 1833 with United States, question of application to U.S. citizens in Zanzibar, 486
- Near East Relief. See under Turkey.
- Netherlands:
- Nicaragua:
- British claim, settlement through U.S. good offices: British case and proposals, 659–660, 660–661, 662–663, 664–665, 666–667, 668–669; Nicaraguan proposals, 661–662, 665–666, 667–668, 669; settlement, 670–671; U.S. good offices, 659–660, 663–664, 665, 667–668, 669–670, 670–671
- Lawlessness in Bluefields:
- Oil concessions. See under Great Britain, Mexico, and Panama.
- Owens, Clarence J., economic survey of Panama, 689–693
- Palestine, oil concessions. See Great Britain: Oil concessions in Palestine and Mesopotamia.
- Panama:
- Agricultural bank:
- Economic survey, 689–693
- Fiscal agent, U.S.:
- Inspector General of Police, U.S.: appointment, 688–689; creation of position, U.S. assistance in drafting legislation for, 679, 682–683; U.S. attitude, 680, 685
- Loans for—
- Oil concessions, U.S.: contract for, 693–694; extension, arrangements for, 694–695
- Pardo, José. See under Peru.
- Peace Conference, Versailles, appointment of Haitian delegate, 313–314
- Persia:
- Abandonment by United States: Persian charges, 701, 702, 714–715; U.S. denial, 707–708, 709, 715
- Agreement (Aug. 9) with Great Britain:
- Announcement of signature, 698
- Attitude of France, 699–700: Great Britain, 699–700, 708–710, 712, 713; Persia, 699, 701–702; Russia, 702; United States, 700, 708, 709, 711, 712–717, 718–719
- Negotiations: U.S. allegation of secrecy in, 699, 700, 708, 709, 711, 714, 716; British denial, 708–709, 712, 713; Curzon-House conversations, 708, 711, 712, 713, 714, 717–718
- Text, 703–707
- U.S.-British correspondence on, publication, 717–718
- Peru:
- Constitutional reforms: Leguía’s call for, 724, 726, 732; Leguia’s decree recommending, 726–728; plebiscite approving, 734; ratification by Congress, 738
- Disorders, 723, 736–737
- Elections, congressional: contested elections, suspension of consideration of old, 723, 729–730; Leguia’s call for new, 721, 724, 726, 732; Leguía’s decree announcing, 726–728; new elections, 734; opening of Congress, 737–738
- Elections, presidential. See under Leguía, infra.
- Leguía, Augusto B.:
- Attitude of people toward, 732–733, 736–737, 737–738
- Presidency, constitutional: election, presumptive, 720, 723, 724, 732, 733; inauguration, 737, 738–740
- Presidency, provisional:
- Assumption, 720–722, 723–724, 730–731
- Justification of assumption as method of preventing fraud, 721, 722, 724, 726, 730–731, 732, 733
- Recognition: policy of foreign powers, 723, 724, 725, 729, 730, 735–736; U.S. policy, 721, 723, 724, 725, 728–729, 730, 731; U.S. recognition as de facto, 734–736, 738
- Pardo, José (President): overthrow and imprisonment, 720–721, 723, 724; release and departure, 725, 728
- Petroleum concessions. See under Great Britain, Mexico, and Panama.
- Picture brides. See under Japan.
- Pilsudski, Joseph. See under Poland.
- Piñol y Batres, Bishop José. See under Guatemala.
- Poland:
- Jews, attacks on:
- Accounts of disorders at Chenstokhov, 752, 755–756, 757, 780, 781, 794; Cracow, 762–763; Lemberg, 747, 757, 760, 769, 772, 776–777, 781, 789, 794; Pinsk, 748–749, 750, 751, 753–754, 757, 760, 762, 777–778, 781, 794; Vilna, 749, 750, 751, 760, 761, 763–764, 765–768, 769, 772, 779, 781, 794; elsewhere, 746, 747, 776, 778–779, 779–780, 781, 782, 793–794, 794–795
- Agitation regarding, in United States, 749, 750; U.S. Senate, 764–765, 768, 769–770, 773
- Investigations and reports: by Polish Diet Commissions, 748–749, 762, 769, 795; by U.S. Minister and associates, 748–749, 750–760, 760–761, 762–763, 763–764, 765–768, 768–769, 770; by U.S. Mission (Morgenthau Mission) to Poland, 769, 770, 773–800; U.S. requests for, 748, 749, 750, 760, 761, 768, 769–770
- Polish attitude, 746–748, 752–753, 754, 764, 771
- U.S. representations, 746
- U.S. statements on, 763, 765, 771–772
- Minister to Washington, appointment and recognition, 745
- Pilsudski, Joseph (Head of State): attitude toward Jews, 752–753, 771; remarks on reception of U.S. Minister, 744–745
- Provisional Government, U.S. recognition of, 741
- U.S. Minister: appointment, 741–742; presentation of credentials, 742; remarks on reception, 743–744; reports on attacks on Jews, 748–749, 750–760, 760–761, 762–763, 763–764, 765–768, 768–769, 770
- Jews, attacks on:
- Protectorate or mandate. See under Liberia and Turkey: Armenians.
- Railways:
- Ravndal, Gabriel B., appointment as U.S. Commissioner in Turkey, 812
- Richardson Construction Co. See under Mexico: Land interests, U.S.
- Rumania: trade restrictions, abolition by Supreme Blockade Council, 813; U.S. investigation of Jewish situation, 769, 770
- Russia, attitude toward Anglo-Persian agreement, 702
- Saastamoinen, Armas Herman, Finnish Minister to the United States. See under Finland.
- Salvador, earthquake in San Salvador: account of damage, 801, 802–803, 804; American Red Cross, assistance, 801, 802, 803–804, 805; U.S. condolences, 801–802; U.S. citizens, safety, 801
- Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Kingdom of the. See Yugoslavia.
- South Manchuria Railway Zone. See under Japan.
- Spain, extension of arbitration convention of 1908 with United States, 806–808
- Supreme Blockade Council, resolutions on reopening trade with former enemy countries, 813
- Supreme Economic Council, abolition of trade restrictions on Bulgaria and Turkey, 814
- Supreme War Council, attitude toward reopening of trade, 813–814
- Tientsin incidents. See under Japan.
- Trade, reopening of. See under Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, and Turkey.
- Treaties:
- Anglo-Persian agreement (Aug. 9). See under Persia.
- U.S.-French convention of navigation and commerce of 1822, modification, 228–233
- U.S.-Haitian treaty of 1915, modification. See under Haiti.
- U.S.-Italian arbitration convention of 1908, extension, 413–414
- U.S.-Muscat treaty of amity and commerce of 1833, question of application to U.S. citizens in Zanzibar, 486
- U.S.-Netherland arbitration convention of 1908, extension, 650–652
- U.S.-Spanish arbitration convention of 1908, extension, 806–808
- Turkey:
- Armenians:
- Appeals on behalf of, 824
- Atrocities: U.S. warning to Turkey against, 831–832; Turkish reply, 835–836
- British troops in the Caucasus, proposed withdrawal of, attitude of Council of Five, 829; Great Britain, 829–830, 830–831, 832–833, 837; High Commissioner in Armenia, 829; Italy, 829; United States, 828, 829, 830, 832, 833–834, 836–837
- Condition of, 825–827, 843–851, 889
- French troops, proposal to send to Asia Minor, 838–841; suggestion for U.S. military cooperation, 839–840
- High Commissioner in Armenia, appointment, 826–827
- Relief. See Near East Relief, infra.
- U.S. mandate: British suggestion, 829–830; views of Harbord Mission, 861–874; U.S. attitude, 834, 837
- U.S. Military Mission (Harbord Mission): appointment, 827, 828; report, 841–889
- Capitulations, court actions conflicting with:
- Congress of Sivas, declaration of, 886–888
- National Defense Party: aims, 858–859, 875–885, 886–888; request for U.S. investigation, 888–889
- Near East Relief:
- Trade, reopening of: Supreme Economic Council approval, 813–814; U.S. announcement, 814
- U.S. Commissioner, appointment and instructions, 810–811, 812
- U.S. consulates, reopening, 811, 812
- U.S. High Commissioner, appointment, 812–813
- Armenians:
- U.S. citizens. See under Japan; Mexico; and Salvador.
- Villistas. See under Mexico.
- Wilson, Woodrow: asylum in Netherlands of former German Emperor, attitude, 653; proclamation (July 12), prohibiting export of arms or munitions of war to Mexico, 551–553; remarks on reception of Finnish Minister, 222–223
- Wireless station, German. See under Liberia.
- Yugoslavia (Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes):
- Zanzibar, treaty rights of U.S. citizens, 486