860j.01/12: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

2461. Following message sent to the President through ordinary channels on June 22nd: “We believe that without regard to party or creed the American people are deeply interested in the welfare of the Armenian people and expect to see the restoration of the independence of Armenia. … we had hoped that the Peace Conference would make it one of its first duties to take necessary steps to put a stop to the agony of Armenia and recognize her fidelity and services to our cause. We now believe that the prevailing insecurity of life and intense want in the major portion of Armenia make immediate action an imperative and sacred duty. We, therefore, respectfully urge that as a first step in that direction and without waiting for the conclusion of peace either the Allies or America or both should at once send to Caucasus Armenia requisite food, munitions and supplies for 50,000 men and such other help as they may require to enable the Armenians to occupy the non-occupied parts of Armenia within the boundaries defined in the Memorandum of the Delegation of Integral Armenia. We trust that it may be possible to secure prompt and full justice for Armenia. (Signed) Charles Evans Hughes, Elihu Root, Henry Cabot Lodge, John Sharp Williams, Alfred E. Smith, James W. Gerard, Frederic Courtland Penfield, Charles W. Eliot.”
