123H35/60a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Commissioner at Constantinople (Heck)

2. In instructing you to return to Constantinople in capacity of Commissioner, Department merely desired to have official representative [Page 811] stationed at Constantinople from whom it could receive information of interest and importance. Inasmuch as Swedish Legation continues to handle diplomatic affairs of this Government, it is not necessary that you should have at present any official relations with Turkish Government. It is highly important that you maintain friendly and intimate relations with the representatives of the Allied countries in Constantinople and cooperate with them generally. While you will do for American citizens everything compatible with present instructions your chief mission consists in keeping Department and Embassy at Paris fully informed of conditions in Turkey; political conditions in general, present attitude of Turkish Government towards Americans and American institutions and towards naturalized citizens of Ottoman origin; the relations of the several Allied representatives, the aspirations of foreign governments in Turkey, military, economic and financial situations, conditions of travel, etc. You should bear in mind that your mission is not identical with the Allied High Commissioners sent to Constantinople by the Governments at war with Turkey.

Rear Admiral Bristol is proceeding from England to Constantinople as senior American Naval officer. He will take precedence over you in rank.
