
The Chargé in Salvador (Arnold) to the Acting Secretary of State

No. 438

Sir: I have the honor to report that on Monday morning, April 28th, at 14 minutes to one, occurred the most violent earthquake which has been registered in El Salvador. The earthquake was more severe than that of June 7th, 1917 and was of a rotary movement like all the former shocks which have brought ruin to this country.

It is the general opinion that the earthquake had its origin in the lake of Ilopango where according to tradition have originated most of the seismic disturbances which have many times brought ruin to San Salvador. The villages of Soyapango and Ilopango which lie in the near vicinity of the lake have been entirely destroyed.

Unlike the former earthquake of 1917, there were no slight shocks to warn the people but occurred with all its intensity in the first quake, thereby resulting in many fatalities. Over seventy deaths have been reported and hundreds of injured, the results of falling walls and furniture.

The earthquake was almost local in character affecting almost entirely San Salvador, Santa Tecla being but eleven miles from the Capital experienced but a slight quake.

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Practically all the houses in San Salvador were damaged. On account of most of the central buildings having been rebuilt since the last earthquake in 1917, many having [been?] but recently completed, there are not so many total ruins to be seen, but nearly all show evidence of cracks and denudation of plaster. The damage to the interior of the buildings is much greater than in the previous one and property which was spared then was entirely destroyed in this quake. The mercantile houses have suffered greatly and in some cases the loss being almost complete.

In the outlying districts or barrios among the poorer dwellings the destruction has been total and thousands of people are homeless. All the houses that withstood the last earthquake collapsed and most of the rebuilt buildings, having been cheaply erected are in ruins.

The Legation was damaged, one side having sunk almost a foot. All the bookcases have been broken and some entirely demolished. The safes were overturned and everything was in general confusion. All the plaster left from the last earthquake fell. By the clearing of the debris and making absolutely necessary repairs it can still be used as a Legation.

The parks and open squares are filled with the homeless. The weather has been mild and no rain has fallen since the catastrophe. This has been a great consolation for the homeless as they were spared the great hardship and suffering caused by the torrential weather during the last earthquake. Practically the whole of San Salvador has been living out of doors as the quakes continue with much less severity.

The aid for the victims has been placed in the hands of the Salvadorian Red Cross and Dr. Yudice, the president of the organization, called at the Legation to request that aid be given by the American Red Cross in supplying one hundred tents, which request I cabled to the Department.

I have [etc.]

Frank D. Arnold