412.00/88a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Wright)15

4833. On November 24, 1917, the Mexican Government issued a decree establishing a commission for the consideration of certain classes of claims against the Mexican Government with the right of appeal to a Board of Arbitrators, one to be chosen by the country concerned the other by Mexico and a third by the two Arbitrators, or in case of disagreement by the President of Mexico.

Before referring American claimants to this Claims Commission, this Government would like to be informed as to what attitude the Government to which you are accredited has taken or intends to take toward this Commission in respect of claims of its nationals against Mexico.

Please present this inquiry informally to the Foreign Office and endeavor to obtain as soon as possible a reply. Report by cable.

  1. The same, Mar. 14, to the Ambassadors in France (No. 7732) and Italy (No. 2042).