The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received July 8.]
Sir: With reference to the Embassy’s telegram No. 3008, June 2, 5 P.M.,90 reporting a statement of the Secretary of Hacienda to the effect that nothing could be done as regards the issuance of provisional permits to drill in the oil district until the return to Mexico City of General Calles, the newly appointed Minister of Industry and Commerce, I have the honor to report that I had an opportunity to take up this question again with Mr. Cabrera on the twenty first instant. He stated that General Calles would not be able to return [Page 606] to the Capital for several months, but that he (Mr. Cabrera) would take up the question of provisional permits with President Carranza and the Sub-Secretary of Industry and Commerce at an early date. He said he thought “the margin was broad enough” for a satisfactory arrangement of the question, and he left me with the impression that he would endeavor to comply with the Department’s desires—both as regards provisional permits to drill, and the revocation of President Carranza’s recent orders to stop drilling in all cases where permits have not been obtained.
I shall continue to follow these questions closely.
I have [etc.]