
The Secretary of the Treasury (Glass) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: Your letter of the 8th instant has been received concerning the negotiations now pending regarding financial [Page 489] assistance to Liberia. The Treasury had understood that it was the desire of your Department that the final form of such agreement should depend upon the result of negotiations with the Governments of Great Britain and France concerning their participation in the financial assistance of Liberia, and we are awaiting information on that subject. These negotiations have been conducted entirely by your Department and the Treasury has not been advised that they have been brought to a point at which your Department considers it desirable for the Treasury to conclude an arrangement with the Government of Liberia. In order to hasten a conclusion of this matter, however, the Treasury already has substantially completed a form of agreement to be entered into with the Government of Liberia concerning such assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Carter Glass