The French Ambassador (Jusserand) to the Secretary of State
Mr. Secretary of State: My Government has received from the representative of the Republic at Monrovia a report to the effect that the Liberian Government refuses to let the new French Customs Receiver enter upon the duties of his office.
It wishes me to call Your Excellency’s attention to the fact that while it consented to defer his assumption of office on account of the pourparlers, which have now come to an end, going on at Paris, there is no longer any reason why Mr. Fardet should not immediately assume his office.
[Page 482]I should therefore be thankful to Your Excellency if you would kindly instruct Your representative at Monrovia to that effect. As Your Excellency will admit, as long as the Liberian loan remains unpaid, the contract in force should be carried out and the interests of French holders protected by the presence of a supervisor of their own nationality. The supervision will cease with the payment of the loan.
Be pleased to accept [etc.]