882.51/927: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
1657. Following received from Monrovia: “April 17 [16], 11 am. On April 9 Liberian Government was advised officially by French Chargé d’Affaires here that French Government has designated receiver of customs to replace Wolf who resigned and left Liberia August last. Assent of Liberian Government is requested to this designation but before replying it desires to know whether in view of the possibility of American receivership replacing at an early date existing receivership, President should agree to appoint new French receiver. Legation unofficially informed that French Chargé d’Affaires has advised his Government asking that French receiver be sent at the earliest possible moment. Bundy.”
In view of the fact that negotiations regarding Liberia are now proceeding in Paris, might it not be possible for the Mission to suggest informally to the French Foreign Office that appointment of new French receiver be deferred until the conclusion of the negotiations.