815.00/1970: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Honduras (Jones)
In your August 26, 10 a.m., you state that in answer to your suggestion to President Bertrand of a truce and an agreement leading to a free election he said that if the revolution had not terminated in a week he would send for you. Since he has not done so you may inform him in writing as follows:
“The Government of the United States, animated only by the most friendly feeling for the people of Honduras, has in the past few months felt much concern regarding the various measures employed tending to make it difficult, if not impossible, for the people of Honduras to express freely their political aspirations in the coming elections, and has urged President Bertrand to take measures to secure the holding of a free election which would represent the will of the people and could therefore be viewed as of binding force.
[Page 384]This Government views with the greatest concern the revolution now in progress in Honduras which has already led to the loss of life, and feels that a peaceful agreement should at once be reached between President Bertrand and the opposition which would bring to an end the present political strife and guarantee free elections. This Government cannot but believe that President Bertrand and the people of Honduras share its desire that the destruction of lives and property cease and that peace be restored and maintained. Therefore this Government desires to inform President Bertrand that any suggestion from him would be welcome which would invite the use of the good offices of the United States similar to the use made of them from January to March, 1911, during the political disturbances then existing in Honduras.9
Should President Bertrand not be willing to take this action which would tend to reestablish satisfactory conditions immediately, the Government of the United States will be obliged to consider actively assisting in the reestablishment of order and in the overseeing of the coming presidential elections.”
If the good offices of the United States are requested by President Bertrand you should so inform the leaders of the revolution and invite a similar suggestion from them.