The Secretary of State to the Minister in Cuba (Gonzales)
Sir: I beg to refer you to the Department’s telegram of October 23, 5 p.m., and to your despatch, No. 1103, dated November 7, both of which relate to the enforcement, in the approaching elections, of the Election Law recently enacted in Cuba. You may hand to President Menocal a memorandum reading as follows:
[Page 83]The Department of State of the United States has received with pleasure the assurances of President Menocal that the Election Law recently enacted in Cuba would be carried out not only to the letter but in the spirit in which it was drafted. The Department is gratified to have President Menocal’s assurance that he is fully cognizant of the responsibility which he assumes in the effective carrying out of the provisions of the Election Law.
The Department is especially desirous that the Government of Cuba receive no false impression with respect to the position of General Crowder, and therefore it wished to assure President Menocal that General Crowder was not advised in advance as to the precise text of the Department’s instruction of October 23rd, 5 p.m., but when informed of the nature of President Menocal’s reply, expressed the hope that Cuba would find the new electoral law helpful. The General was pleased also that it would be unnecessary for him to proceed to Cuba in connection with the approaching elections.
I am [etc.]