The Haitian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Borno) to the American Minister (Bailly-Blanchard)6
The two Governments of the United States of America and Haiti having concluded, in 1915, a convention wherein the two Governments agreed to cooperate in the remedying of the Haitian Finances, in the maintenance of the tranquillity of Haiti, and in the carrying out of a program for the economic development and prosperity of that Republic, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has the honor to advise the Minister of the United States that in conformity with the understanding had between them any project of law bearing upon any of the objects of the Treaty, prior to being submitted to the Legislative Body, of Haiti, shall be communicated to the Representative of the United States for the information of his Government and if necessary for discussion between the two Governments.
- The text of this agreement was transmitted by the Minister in his despatch No. 376, Dec. 11, 1919 (Foreign Relations, 1920, vol. ii), in compliance with the following telegram, of Aug. 30, 1919, 2 p.m., referring to the Minister’s Aug. 21, 4 p.m., p. 336: “Report fully by mail concerning passage of laws without notification. Forward copy of agreement mentioned.” (File No. 711.38/133.) No earlier report of the agreement has been found in the files.↩