War Trade Board Files

Notice Issued by the War Trade Board Section of the Department of State6

W.T.B.R. 802

resumption of trade with germany

The War Trade Board Section of the Department of State announces that a General Enemy Trade License has been issued authorizing all persons in the United States, on and after July 14, 1919, to trade and communicate with persons residing in Germany and to trade and communicate with all persons with whom trade and communication is prohibited by the Trading with the Enemy Act; subject, however, to the following specific limitations and exceptions, to wit:

The above mentioned general license does not authorize the importation into the United States from Germany or elsewhere of dyes, dyestuffs, potash, drugs or chemicals which have been produced or manufactured in Germany.
The above mentioned general license does not modify or affect in any respect present restrictions against trade and communication between the United States and Hungary or that portion of Russia under the control of the Bolshevik authorities.
The above mentioned general license does not authorize trade with respect to any property which heretofore, pursuant to the provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Act as amended, has been reported to the Alien Property Custodian or should have been so reported to him, or any property which heretofore, pursuant to the provisions of said Act, the Alien Property Custodian has seized or has required to be conveyed, transferred, assigned, delivered or paid over to him.

Exports to and imports from Germany may take place under Special Export License RAC No. 77 and General Import License PBF No. 37 as announced in W.T.B.R. 803 and W.T.B.R. 804 respectively.7

  1. The personnel and functions of the War Trade Board were transferred to the Department of State June 30, 1919.
  2. Documents referred to not printed.