The Secretary of State to the Finnish Minister (Saastamoinen)10
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 1321, of December 20, 1919, referring to the note addressed by me in Paris May 7, 1919, to the Foreign Minister of Finland, Dr. Rudolf Holsti, advising him of the recognition by the United States of the independence of Finland, and to inform you that, as complete diplomatic relations have been established, the Government of the United States desires to have a Legation at Helsingfors at the earliest practicable date.
[Page 227]I have accordingly directed Mr. Alexander Magruder, of the Diplomatic Service of the United States, to proceed to Helsingfors with all convenient speed and have provided him with a letter accrediting him to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Finland as Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.11
Accept [etc.]
- Addressed to him as “Minister of Finland.” The note was repeated to the Commissioner at Helsingfors in a telegram beginning: “The following note addressed today to the Finnish Minister at Washington is repeated for your information. This is considered to constitute full recognition of Finland as from May 7, 1919.”↩
- No file copy has been found.↩