860d.01/21: Telegram

The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Acting Secretary of State

1992. At a meeting last Saturday afternoon, May 3, of the so called Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, at which representatives of the United States, Great Britain, France and Japan were present, the question of the recognition of the independence of Finland was considered and it was agreed:

  • “1. That the Governments of the United States of America and Great Britain would forthwith severally recognize the independence of Finland and the de facto Government.
  • 2. That after the recognition of the independence of Finland and after the appointment of official diplomatic representatives, the Governments of America, Great Britain, and France would issue instructions to their representatives to urge the Finnish Government to accept the decisions of the Peace Conference in regard to the frontiers of Finland. Furthermore, the Finnish Government would be urged to treat the Red Finns who had fought with the Allies in a liberal and generous spirit by the grant of an amnesty.
  • 3. That Baron Makino (the Japanese representative) would forthwith communicate the above decisions to his Government with a view to its taking similar action.”

I propose, therefore, to give the following statement to the press tomorrow evening for publication in the newspapers Wednesday morning and suggest that you do likewise.

“In view of the fact that the people of Finland have established a representative Government, the Government of the United States of America declares that it recognizes the Government, so constituted, as the de facto Government of an independent Finland.”

I should be glad to know as soon as possible whom the Department proposes to send as our representative to Helsingfors. Lansing.

American Mission