
The Minister in Ecuador (Hartman) to the Acting Secretary of State

No. 400

Sir: Referring to my telegram of July 3, 6 p.m., regarding the note of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of June 30, in answer to my note No. 308 of June 3 (File No. 350), I have the honor to enclose herewith triplicate copies of the Minister’s note, together with translation.

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[Page 193]

In two personal interviews with the Minister he has expressed the hope that, when the July crop of cacao comes in, the Government will be able to complete payment of the July coupon.

It will also be observed that the Minister’s note does not contain the customary denial of the right of the Government of the United States to intervene in this matter.

As I recall it now, this is the first note from the Foreign Office bearing on the subject in nearly six years that has failed to raise that question.

Indeed the tenor of the note and the whole attitude of the Government towards the subject are exceedingly satisfactory, and in harmony with the improved relations which I have reported to the Department in previous communications.

I therefore respectfully recommend that, so long as the Government of Ecuador continues to endeavor in good faith to obtain the money to pay this coupon, no further pressure be brought to bear upon it.

I have [etc.]

Chas. S. Hartman