File No. 763.72/12196

The Special Agent at Corfu ( Dodge) to the Secretary of State


French naval commander in chief informs through the French Chargé d’Affaires that in response to request of Yugo-Slav delegate at Cattaro for transports for Austro-Hungarian Army and protection of Yugo-Slav transports, he is sending cruiser to enter Cattaro as soon as entrance cleared. Invites Entente forces to be represented there. Commander in chief has received letter from Yugo-Slav provisional government of Dalmatia at Spalato drawing attention to landing of Italian troops in Dalmatia and requesting notification by Entente that this may provoke unfortunate outbreaks and that if an occupation is necessary, it may be collective in the name of Entente.

Conferences here considering the form of relationship between the Agram [National] Council and Servian Government. Formation of a joint committee including members of both Governments is being considered on account of difficulties of constitutional nature in Servia preventing immediate union. Servian Government has no objection to Entente [omission] Agram National Council. Foreign Office has shown me certified copy of formal act dated October 31 of surrender by Austro-Hungarian Government of fleet to delegates of National Council of Agram.

Does the Department desire me to repeat my information telegrams to Embassy Paris for the American representatives?

[ Dodge]