Relations of the United States with the Czecho-Slovak and Jugo-Slav National Movements 1
1. For papers relating to the Czecho-Slovak Army in Russia, see Foreign Relations, 1918, Russia, vols. I and II.
- Dissatisfaction of the Serbian Government with the utterances of
Lloyd George and President
Wilson regarding Jugo-Slav
aspirations—Qualified assurances given by the American Government, March
14—The Congress of Oppressed Races of Austria-Hungary at Rome, April
9–11—Military conventions between the Czecho-Slovak National Council and
the French and Italian Governments—Recommendations that the American
Government recognize the Czecho-Slovak and Jugo-Slav national
aims (Documents 792–810)
- Public statement by the Secretary of State, May 29, of the American
Government’s sympathy with the nationalistic aspirations of the
Czecho-Slovaks and Jugo-Slavs—Statement of the Allied Governments, June
6—Dissatisfaction of the Jugo-Slav leaders with these
declarations—Supplementary statements by the Secretary of State, June 24
and 28—French declaration in favor of Czechoslovak independence, June
30—Statement of the Secretary of State on the fourth anniversary of
Austria’s declaration of war against Serbia—The President’s message to
Premier Pashitch, July
30—Recognition by Great Britain of the Czecho-Slovaks as an Allied
nation, August 9 (Documents 811–831)
- Recognition by the United States, September 3, of the Czecho-Slovak
National Council as a de facto belligerent
government—Agreement between the British Government and the
Czecho-Slovak National Council, September 3—Recognition of the Council
by Japan, September 9—Italian declaration in favor of Jugo-Slav
independence, September 26—Announcement of the recruiting of a Slavic
Legion in the United States—Reports on the relations of Italy and Serbia
to the Jugo-Slav nationalist aspirations—The Czecho-Slovak declaration
of independence, October 18 (Documents 832–846)
- Rejection by President Wilson of
autonomy as a solution of the Czecho-Slovak and Jugo-Slav questions,
October 19—Arrangements for a loan to the Czecho-Slovak National
Council—The establishment of national authorities in Czecho-Slovak and
Jugo-Slav territories—Friction between the Jugo-Slavs and
Italians (Documents 847–868)