Rumania’s Withdrawal from the War 1
1. For papers dealing with Rumania’s relations with Russia, see Foreign Relations, 1918, Russia, vol. II.
- Suggestions for assurances to Rumania regarding her treatment in the
peace settlement—Negotiations between Rumania and the Central
Powers—Efforts of the ministers of the Allied and Associated Powers to
avert a separate peace—Declarations of the American Government to
Rumania, February 21, April 26, and May 3 (Documents 737–767)
- The treaty of peace between Rumania and the Central Powers, May
7—Statement by the Allied and Associated ministers of nonrecognition of
its terms—Rulings of the American Government as to the international
status of Rumania—Declaration by the American Government of sympathy
with Rumanian aspirations for national unity, November 5 (Documents 768–782)