List of Principal Persons
- Adler, Viktor, Austrian Social Democratic leader.
- Alfonso XIII, King of Spain.
- Allenby, Gen. Edmund H. H., Commander in Chief of the British Expeditionary Forces in Egypt and Palestine.
- Allizé, Henri, French Minister to the Netherlands.
- Andrássy, Count Julius, Austro-Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, October 26 to November 2.
- Angelescu, Dr. Constantin, Rumanian Minister at Washington to March 16.
- Apponyi, Count Albert, President of the Hungarian Independence Party.
- Asquith, Herbert Henry, former British Prime Minister.
- Auohincloss, Gordon, Assistant to the Counselor for the Department of State of the United States.
- Averesco, A., Rumanian President of the Council, February 9 to March 12.
- Baden, Prince Max of, German Imperial Chancellor, October 3 to November 9.
- Bailly-Blanchard, Arthur, United States Minister to Haiti.
- Baker, Newton D., Secretary of War of the United States.
- Bakhmeteff, Boris A., Russian Ambassador at Washington.
- Balfour, Arthur James, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Barclay, Colville, British Counselor of Embassy at Washington.
- Baruch, Bernard M., Chairman of the War Industries Board of the United States.
- Belden, Perry, United States Secretary of Legation in Colombia; Chargé d’Affaires.
- Beneš, Edward, General Secretary of the Czecho-Slovak National Council; Minister of Foreign Affairs and of the Interior in the Czecho-Slovak Provisional Government constituted September 26.
- Bernstorff, Count Johann H. A. von, former German Ambassador at Washington.
- Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald T. F. A. von, former German Imperial Chancellor and Prussian Minister President.
- Birch, Thomas H., United States Minister to Portugal.
- Bliss, Robert Woods, United States Secretary of Embassy in France; Chargé d’Affaires in the Netherlands, September 21 to November 22.
- Bliss, Gen. Tasker H., United States Military Representative on the Supreme War Council.
- Bonilla, Policarpo, Honduran Minister on Special Mission at Washington.
- Bonillas, Ygnacio, Mexican Ambassador at Washington.
- Boret, Victor, French Minister of Agriculture and Supplies; member of the Inter-Allied Food Council.
- Bratiano, J. J. C., Rumanian President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs to February 9.
- Brun, Constantin, Danish Minister at Washington.
- Bülow, Prince Bernhard von, German Rear Admiral.
- Bundy, Richard C, United States Second Secretary of Legation in Liberia; Chargé d’Affaires.
- Burián von Rajecz, Count Stephen, Austro-Hungarian Minister of Finance to April 15; Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, April 17 to October 18.
- Cadorna, Gen. Luigi, Commander in Chief of the Italian Armies to July 12; Italian Military Representative on the Supreme War Council to February 8.
- Caldwell, John L., United States Minister to Persia.
- Calonder, Felix L., President of the Swiss Confederation.
- Capelle, Admiral Eduard von, German Secretary of State for the Navy.
- Carlsson, G., Swedish Shipping Representative in Great Britain.
- Cave, Sir George, British Secretary of State for Home Affairs.
- Cecil, Lord Robert, British Minister of Blockade to July 19; Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs from July 19; member of the Allied Maritime Transport Council.
- Chadbourne, Thomas L., Counselor of the War Trade Board of the United States.
- Chadbourne, W. A., United States War Trade Board Representative at Madrid.
- Chaikovski, Nicholas, President of the Government of Northern Russia, August 1 to September 16.
- Chicherin, George V., Acting Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, March 13; Commissar for Foreign Affairs, May 30.
- Churchill, Winston L. S., British Minister of Munitions; member of the Inter-Allied Munitions Council.
- Clemenceau, Georges, French Premier and Minister of War.
- Clémentel, Etienne, French Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Posts and Telegraphs; member of the Allied Maritime Transport Council.
- Clynes, J. R., British Food Controller from July 9; member of the Inter-Allied Food Council.
- Colby, Bainbridge, Commissioner of the United States Shipping Board; member of the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation.
- Constantine, former King of the Hellenes.
- Cotton, J. P., member of the United States Food Administration.
- Cravath, Paul D., Advisory Counsel of the American mission to the Inter-Allied Council on War Purchases and Finance.
- Crawford, Sir Richard, Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy at Washington.
- Crosby, Oscar T., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury of the United States; President of the Inter-Allied Council on War Purchases and Finance.
- Curtis, Charles B., United States Secretary of Legation in Honduras; Chargé d’Affaires, February 9 to October 1.
- Czernin von Chudenitz, Count Ottokar, Austro-Hungarian Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to April 15.
- Da Gama, Domicio, Brazilian Ambassador at Washington.
- Daniels, Josephus, Secretary of the Navy of the United States.
- Dato, Eduardo, Spanish Minister of State, March 22 to November 6.
- Davis, Norman H., United States Special Financial Delegate in Spain.
- De Alhucemas, Marqués Garcia Prieto, Spanish Prime Minister and Minister of State to March 19, and November 10 to December 3; Minister of the Interior, March 22 to November 6.
- De Beaufort, W. H., Netherland Counselor of Legation at Washington.
- De Billy, Edouard, French Deputy High Commissioner at Washington.
- De Bon, Admiral, French Naval Representative on the Supreme War Council.
- De Bunsen, Sir Maurice, head of the British Shipping Mission to South America.
- De Céspedes, Carlos Manuel, Cuban Minister at Washington.
- De Pena, Dr. Carlos Maria, Uruguayan Minister at Washington to April 30.
- Diaz, Gen. Armando, Chief of the General Staff of the Italian Army.
- Di Robilant, General, Italian Military Representative on the Supreme War Council from May.
- Dmowski, Roman, President of the Polish National Committee.
- Dodge, H. Percival, Special Agent to Serbia (at Corfu) of the Department of State of the United States.
- Dresel, Ellis L., United States War Trade Board Representative at Berne.
- Droppers, Garrett, United States Minister to Greece.
- Dye, Alexander V., United States War Trade Board Representative at Christiania.
- Ebert, Friedrich, member of the German Reichstag; Chancellor of the German Provisional Government from November 9.
- Edwards, Paul L., United States Commercial Attaché and War Trade Board Representative at The Hague.
- Eisner, Kurt, Bavarian Socialist leader; Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Bavarian Republic from November 9.
- Ekengren, W. A. F., Swedish Minister at Washington.
- Ellis, Sir Charles Edward, British Director General of Ordnance Supply; member of the Inter-Allied Munitions Council.
- Erzberger, Matthias, member of the German Reichstag; Secretary of State without portfolio in the Cabinet of Prince Max of Baden.
- Estrada Cabrera, Manuel, President of Guatemala.
- Faisal, Emir, son of the King of the Hejaz.
- Ferdinand I, King of Rumania.
- Fisher, Thomas, Representative at Washington of the British Ministry of Shipping.
- Fletcher, Henry P., United States Ambassador to Mexico.
- Foch, Ferdinand, French Marshal, Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies in France from April 3.
- Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm, German political economist.
- Franchet d’Espérey, Gen. A.-L., Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies in the East from July.
- Francis, David R., United States Ambassador to Russia.
- Frazier, Arthur Hugh, United States First Secretary (later Counselor.) of Embassy in France; Diplomatic Liaison Officer with the Supreme War Council.
- Freyre y Santander, Manuel de, Peruvian Minister at Washington.
- Fuller, Paul, jr., Director of the Bureau of War Trade Intelligence of the United States War Trade Board.
- Fürstenberg, Prince von, Austro-Hungarian Ambassador to Spain.
- Garrett, John W., United States Minister to the Netherlands; accredited also to Luxemburg.
- Gary, Hampson, United States Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Cairo.
- Gay, Edwin F., representative of the United States Shipping Board on the War Trade Board.
- Geddes, Sir Auckland C., British Minister of National Service.
- Geddes, Sir Eric C., British First Lord of the Admiralty; Head of the British Naval Mission to the United States.
- Gompers, Samuel, President of the American Federation of Labor.
- Gonzales, William E., United States Minister to Cuba.
- Goto, Baron Shimpei, Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, April 23 to September 24.
- Grant-Smith, Ulysses, United States Counselor of Legation in Denmark; Chargé d’Affaires.
- Grew, Joseph C., Acting Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs of the Department of State from March 14.
- Grey, Sir Edward, Former British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Grimprel Maj. Maurice, member of the French High Commission at Washington.
- Groeber, Hermann, German Secretary of State without portfolio in the Cabinet of Prince Max of Baden.
- Gvosdenovitch, Gen. Antoine, Montenegrin Minister at Washington from September 20.
- Hadji-Mischeff, P., Bulgarian Minister to the Netherlands.
- Haig, Field Marshal Sir Douglas, Commander in Chief of the British Expeditionary Forces in France.
- Harris, Ernest L., United States Consul General at Irkutsk.
- Harris, F. Leverton, Parlimentary Secretary to the British Ministry of Blockade from July 19.
- Haussmann, Conrad, member of the German Reichstag; Secretary of State without portfolio in the Cabinet of Prince Max of Baden.
- Helfferich, Karl, German Ambassador to Russia, July 23 to September 23.
- Hellner, J., Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Henderson, Arthur, British Labor Leader.
- Hertling, Count Georg F. von, German Imperial Chancellor to September 30.
- Hindenburg, Field Marshal Paul von Beneckendorff und von, Chief of the General Staff of the German Army.
- Hintze, Paul von, German Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, July 9 to October 3.
- Hoover, Herbert C., United States Food Administrator; chairman of the Commission for Relief in Belgium.
- Horton, George, United States Consul General at Saloniki.
- House, Edward M., personal representative of President Wilson in Europe.
- Hurley, Edward N., Chairman of the United States Shipping Board; President of the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation.
- Hurley, George, United States War Trade Board Representative at Copenhagen.
- Hussain ibn Ali, King of the Hejaz.
- Huysmans, Camille, French labor leader; Secretary of the Socialist International Bureau.
- Hymans, Paul, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Irigoyen, Hipolito, President of Argentina.
- Jefferson, Benjamin L., United States Minister to Nicaragua.
- Jeffery, Robert E., United States Minister to Uruguay.
- Joffre, Joseph J. C., Marshal of France.
- Johnson, Stewart, United States Third Secretary of Legation in Costa Rica; Chargé d’Affaires to December 5.
- Jong van Beek en Donk, Baron, former Director of the Netherland Ministry of Justice.
- Jusserand, J. J., French Ambassador at Washington.
- Karl I, Emperor of Austria to November 12, King of Hungary to November 16.
- Károlyi, Count Michael, Hungarian Liberal statesman.
- Keena, Leo J., United States Consul General at Valparaiso.
- Kramář, Karel, President of the Czech National Committee in Prague; Czechoslovak Prime Minister from November 14.
- Kühlmann, Richard von, German Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in Count von Hertling’s Cabinet.
- Lammasch, Heinrich, Austro-Hungarian Prime Minister, October 28 to November 13.
- Lansing, Robert, Secretary of State of the United States.
- Laughlin, Irwin B., United States Counselor of Embassy in Great Britain; Chargé d’Affaires, May 18 to July 17 and October 3 to December 17.
- Law, Andrew Bonar, member of the British War Cabinet; Chancellor of the Exchequer.
- Lay, Julius G., Acting Foreign Trade Adviser of the Department of State of the United States from February 18.
- Lay, Tracy, United States Consul at Paris.
- Leavell, William H., United States Minister to Guatemala.
- Lebrun, A., French Minister of Blockade.
- Leffingwell, Russell C., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.
- Liapcheff, Andrew, Bulgarian Minister of Finance from June 21.
- Lloyd George, David, British Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury.
- Long, Breckinridge, Third Assistant Secretary of State of the United States.
- Loucheiur, Louis, French Minister of Munitions; member of the Allied Maritime Transport Council.
- Loudon, Jonkheer J., Netherland Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Ludendorff, Gen. Erich F. W., First Quartermaster General of the German Army.
- Macchi di Cellere, Count Vincenzo, Italian Ambassador at Washington.
- Maclay, Sir Joseph P., British Shipping Controller; member of the Allied Maritime Transport Council.
- MacMurray, John V. A., United States Counselor of Embassy in Japan to July 1; Chargé d’Affaires in China, July 1 to October 11.
- Malinoff, Alexander, Bulgarian Prime Minister from June 21.
- Marghiloman, Alexandre, Rumanian President of the Council and Minister of the Interior, March 12 to November 9.
- Masaryk, Thomas Garrigue, President of the Czecho-Slovak National Council; President and Minister of Finance of the Czecho-Slovak Provisional Government constituted September 26.
- McAdoo, William Gibbs, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.
- McCormick, Vance C., Chairman of the War Trade Board of the United States.
- McFadden, George, United States War Trade Board Representative at Paris.
- McMillin, Benton, United States Minister to Peru.
- Mehdi Khan, Persian Minister at Washington to April.
- Méndez, Joaquin, Guatemalan Minister at Washington.
- Menocal, Mario G., President of Cuba.
- Ménos, Solon, Haitian Minister at Washington to October 14.
- Mercter, Désiré, Belgian Cardinal, Archbishop of Malines.
- Michailovitch, Lioubomir, Serbian Minister at Washington.
- Milne, Sir George Francis, Commander in Chief of the British Army in the Balkans.
- Milner, Alfred, Viscount, member of the British War Cabinet; Secretary of State for War from April 19; member of the Supreme War Council.
- Monnet, M., French representative on the Allied Maritime Transport Council.
- Morgan, Edwin V., United States Ambassador to Brazil.
- Morgan, Henry H., United States War Trade Board Representative at Habana.
- Morris, Ira Nelson, United States Minister to Sweden.
- Morris, Roland S., United States Ambassador to Japan.
- Motono, Ichiro, Viscount, Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs to April 23.
- Munizaga Varela, G., Chilean Counselor of Embassy at Washington.
- Munson, Frank C., representative of the United States Shipping Board on the War Trade Board to August 31.
- Murphy, Dominic I., United States Consul General at Sofia.
- Nansen, Fridtjof, Norwegian Minister on Special Mission at Washington.
- Naón, Rómulo S., Argentine Ambassador and Financial Commissioner at Washington.
- Nava, Signor, Italian Under Secretary of War; member of the Inter-Allied Munitions Council.
- Nitti, Francesco S., Italian Minister of the Treasury.
- Northcliffe, Alfred, Viscount, British Minister in Charge of Propaganda.
- Nubar, Boghos, President of the Armenian National Delegation at Paris.
- Oederlin, Frederick, Commercial Adviser of the Swiss Legation at Washington.
- Orlando, Salvatore, Italian Commissioner of Mercantile Marine Construction; member of the Allied Maritime Transport Council to May.
- Orlando, Vittorio E., Italian Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior.
- Owen, William H., United States War Trade Board Representative at Stockholm.
- Paderewski, Ignace Jan, representative in the United States of the Polish National Committee.
- Page, Thomas Nelson, United States Ambassador to Italy.
- Page, Walter Hines, United States Ambassador to Great Britain.
- Paget, Sir Ralph Spencer, British Minister to Denmark.
- Parravicini, K., Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Pashitch, Nikola P., Serbian President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs to February 27, and from November 17.
- Payer, Friedrich von, German Imperial Vice Chancellor.
- Percy, Lord Eustace, British Secretary temporarily attached to the Embassy at Washington.
- Pergler, Charles, Commissioner at Washington of the Czecho-Slovak Provisional Government.
- Pershing, Gen. John J., Commander in Chief of the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe.
- Pétain, Gen. Henri P., Commander in Chief of the French Armies in the field.
- Philips, August, Netherland Minister at Washington, February 19 to April 9.
- Phillips, William, Assistant Secretary of State of the United States.
- Pichon, Stephen, French Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Polk, Frank Lyon, Counselor for the Department of State of the United States.
- Protitch, Stoyan M., Serbian Minister of Finance.
- Radoslavoff, Vassil, Bulgarian Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs and of the Interior to June 16.
- Rappard, Chevalier W. L. F. C. van, Netherland Minister at Washington to February 19.
- Reading, Earl of (Rufus Daniel Isaacs), British High Commissioner and Ambassador on Special Mission at Washington.
- Reinsch, Paul S., United States Minister to China.
- Rhondda, David Alfred Thomas, Lord, British Food Controller (died July 3).
- Riaño y Gayangos, Don Juan, Spanish Ambassador at Washington.
- Ribot, Alexandre F. J., former French Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Rosen, Baron Fr., German Minister to the Netherlands.
- Roussos, Georges, Greek Minister at Washington.
- Rublee, George, United States Shipping Board Representative at London; member of the Allied Maritime Transport Council.
- Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria.
- Sackville-West, Maj. Gen. Charles J., British Military Representative on the Supreme War Council from April 11.
- Scavenius, Erik, Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Scheidemann, Philipp, Vice President of the German Reichstag; later, Secretary of State without portfolio in the Cabinet of Prince Max of Baden.
- Schmedeman, Albert G., United States Minister to Norway.
- Schoenfeld, H. F. A., United States Second Secretary of Legation in Norway; Chargé d’Affaires, July 7 to October 20.
- Sharp, William G., United States Ambassador to France.
- Shea, Joseph H., United States Ambassador to Chile.
- Sheldon, L. P., United States War Trade Board and Food Administration Representative at London.
- Sims, Admiral William S., Commanding United States Naval Operations in European Waters.
- Skinner, Robert P., United States Consul General at London.
- Smuts, Gen. Jan C., Minister without portfolio in the British War Cabinet.
- Solf, Wilhelm, German Secretary of State of the Colonial Office in Count von Hertling’s Cabinet, and of the Foreign Office in the Cabinet of Prince Max of Baden.
- Sonnino, Baron Sidney, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Southard, Addison E., United States Consul at Teheran from May.
- Spencer, Willing, United States Secretary of Embassy in Japan; Chargé d’Affaires, June 19 to October 15.
- Spring Rice, Sir Cecil Arthur, British Ambassador at Washington to February.
- Stabler, Jordan H., Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs of the Department of State of the United States.
- Štefánik, Milan R., Vice President of the Czecho-Slovak National Council; Minister of National Defense in the Czecho-Slovak Provisional Government constituted September 26.
- Stettinius, Edward R., Second Assistant Secretary of War of the United States; member of the Inter-Allied Munitions Council.
- Stevens, Raymond B., Vice Chairman of the United States Shipping Board; member of the Allied Maritime Transport Council.
- Stewart, W. A. W., United States War Trade Board Representative at Rome.
- Stimson, Frederic Jesup, United States Ambassador to Argentina.
- Stovall, Pleasant A., United States Minister to Switzerland.
- Sulzer, Hans, Swiss Minister at Washington.
- Summers, Leland L., Chairman of the United States War Industries Board Mission in Europe; member of the Inter-Allied Munitions Council.
- Sussdorff, Louis A., jr., United States Secretary of Legation in Paraguay; Chargé d’Affaires.
- Swinderen, R. de Marees van, Netherland Minister to Great Britain.
- Tanaka, Tokichi, Japanese Counselor of Embassy at Washington to November.
- Tardieu, André P. G. A., French High Commissioner at Washington.
- Taylor, Alonzo E., representative of the Secretary of Agriculture on the War Trade Board.
- Thomas, Albert, French Socialist deputy, formerly Minister of Munitions.
- Tisza, Count Stephen, former Hungarian Premier.
- Townley, Sir Walter B., British Minister to the Netherlands.
- Trimborn, Herr, member of the German Reichstag; Secretary of State for the Interior in the Cabinet of Prince Max of Baden.
- Trumbić, Ante, President of the Yugo-Slav National Committee.
- Venizelos, Eleutherios K., Greek Premier and Minister of War.
- Ventosa, J., Spanish Minister of Finance to February 28; Minister of Supplies, August 31 to November 6.
- Vollenhoven, Joost van, Netherland Shipping Representative in Great Britain.
- Vopicka, Charles J., United States Minister to Rumania.
- Wallenberg, Marcus, member of the Swedish special commission at London.
- Wallraf, Max, German Secretary of State for the Interior in Count von Hertling’s Cabinet.
- Wekerle, Alexander, Hungarian Premier and Minister of the Interior to October 24.
- Wemyss, Admiral Sir Rosslyn, British First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff.
- Whitlock, Brand, United States Minister to Belgium.
- Willard, Joseph E., United States Ambassador to Spain.
- William II, German Emperor, King of Prussia; abdicated November 9.
- Wilson, Sir Henry H., British Military Representative on the Supreme War Council.
- Wilson, Hugh R., United States Secretary of Legation in Switzerland; Chargé d’Affaires to March 4.
- Wilson, Woodrow, President of the United States.
- Woolley, Clarence M., representative, on the United States War Trade Board, of the Secretary of Commerce and the War Industries Board.
- Woolsey, Lester H., Solicitor for the Department of State of the United States.