File No. 611.326/156
The French High Commissioner ( Tardieu) to the Assistant to the Counselor for the Department of State ( Auchincloss)
Dear Mr. Auchincloss: In confirmation of the conversation I had with you yesterday, I have the honor of informing you that the Government of the Republic is favorable to the constitution and working at Washington of an inter-Allied committee intrusted with the duties of coordinating the purchasing operations of the Allies in Brazil.
Informing me of this decision they instruct me to notify the Federal Government of it.
My Government calls my attention to the fact that, although they are in favor of the constitution of the committee at Rio de Janeiro, they have been anxious to be in agreement with Mr. Lansing’s opinion, giving in that way a new proof of their wish, always to agree in Brazil as anywhere else, in complete accordance with the American Government.
In my Government’s opinion, the committee to create, would be a committee of affairs, in which the High Commissioner would be the representative of France.
Please accept [etc.]