File No. 763.72119/1477
The Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2.11 p.m.]
9116. Your 6912, March 16, 5 p.m.4 Inter-Allied Socialist Conference in resolution, forwarded to Department in my despatch No. 8522, March 11,5 provided that international conference shall be held in some neutral country organized by committee of neutral Socialists and attended by full representation of Socialists from belligerent countries. Henderson and Huysmans state that no such international conference could be held if German Socialists were absent, or even if Minority German Socialists were not represented. Henderson says the Prime Minister told him in December that British Socialists would be allowed to proceed to such a conference only in case German Government allowed that the conference to [should] be attended by both Minority and Majority German [Page 169] Socialists. No secret proposal was submitted to recent conference by either Albert Thomas of France or J. H. Thomas of England. Henderson and Huysmans both state that they would certainly have seen such a secret document had it existed.