File No. 861.00/3274
The Colombian Minister ( Urueta) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 23.]
Sir: The Colombian Government has been advised, through the United States Legation in Bogotá, of the deplorable events that have taken place in Russia, where the chief cities, such as Petrograd, Moscow, etc., according to reliable information, have been the scene of wholesale murders, which keep the peaceable population of that country under the scepter of terrorism.
Such crimes, denounced by you to neutral governments, have aroused in the Colombian Government the same feelings of horror as are expressed by you in your circular to the United States embassies and legations, and at the same time of compassion for the victims of so great excesses.
[Page 718]Consistent with those feelings and with its friendly sentiments towards the Russian people, my Government has instructed me to express its reprobation of the wanton acts committed in Russia, as well as its best wishes for a speedy coming of the Russian people to a life of order, liberty, and self-government.
The Colombian Government will be glad to be associated with any public statement made in the sense of the present note by the Government of the United States.
Accept [etc.]