File No. 861.00/3488

The Consul General at Sofia ( Murphy) to the Secretary of State

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of note verbale No. 2895, of the 26th ultimo, from the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressing the feelings of horror with which Bulgaria views the acts of barbarity committed by the so-called Government of Russia, and likewise expressing its entire willingness of associating itself with the Government of the United States in any movement designed to manifest the world’s condemnation of the misgovernment of the present ruling powers in Russia.

[Page 717]

I have also the honor to transmit herewith my note No. 619, of the 4th October,1 to the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I have [etc.]

D. I. Murphy

The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the American Legation

No. 2895

Note Verbale

Annexed to its note verbale No. 619 of the 4th October last, the United States Legation kindly transmitted a copy of a telegram received from the Secretary of State at Washington, in which was described the existence in Russia of a veritable reign of terror by the mob, directed against peaceful citizens in Moscow, Petrograd and other cities; where wholesale executions took place and where thousands were shot without judgment; the existence of irresponsible bands satisfying their brutal passions, by massacring countless numbers of innocent people.

The Government of the United States, guided by sentiments of humanity, appeals to all the civilized nations to manifest their horror at the barbarous acts committed by the Russian Government.

At the same time the Legation of the United States would be pleased to know if the Royal Government of Bulgaria is disposed to take part in an immediate action, irrespective of the conduct of the war, for the purpose of bringing to the attention of the instigators of the crimes, the repugnance which civilization feels in face of their acts of madness.

In reply, the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the honor to advise the honorable Legation of the United States, that Bulgaria revolts against such barbarous crimes and to give proof of her deference to and of her solidarity with the Government of the United States, Bulgaria is ready to associate herself willingly with any humanitarian initiative, undertaken for the purpose of expressing disapproval of, and disgust at the above-referred-to massacres.

  1. Not printed.