File No. 861.00/3265
The Chargé in Denmark ( Grant-Smith) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10.37 p.m.]
3178. Department’s circular of September 20, 6 p.m. My 2830, September 26, 2 p.m.1 The Minister for Foreign Affairs read me this afternoon a telegram from the Danish Minister at Petrograd (which had taken five days in transmission) who said he would greatly deprecate the withdrawal of the Danish diplomatic mission and consular officers from Soviet Russia owing to the success which had thus far met their efforts in protecting the interests not only of Denmark but also of the Allies, especially France.
Mr. Scavenius2 said that he had anticipated such a reply from the Minister who was naturally enthusiastic over the successes thus far attained especially in succoring the unfortunate. He realized however that the question could not be viewed from that angle alone and said that it would be most embarrassing should the Danish representative be the only one to remain at Petrograd. I pointed out that in dealing with the Bolsheviks it must be viewed as organized society as opposed to terrorism and anarchy. The Minister for Foreign Affairs begged that I should obtain an expression of opinion from you with regard to the advisability of the withdrawal of their Minister and Consul General from Petrograd and Moscow respectively, that it would be taken as confidential and in no way regarded as the exercise of pressure.
I am inclined to think that this request is made in good faith and is actuated by a real desire on the part of some member of the Government and more responsible persons in Denmark to strengthen their position before the country on this question by the ability to point to a concerted expression of judgment of the Associated Governments in favor of the withdrawal. But should the Associated [Page 719] Governments refrain from taking a definite stand on the question, it would be possible for the Danish Government to interpret the lack of such a statement to mean that the presence of their representatives in Russia was permissible and even desirable in order to guard the interests of other governments and they would be enabled incidentally to reap the benefit of the trade connections which would undoubtedly be made through their presence there.
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