File No. 861.00/299
The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 24, 9.30 a.m.]
1127. Orderly quiet still prevails. Ministry daily strengthening but is compelled to handle socialistic element carefully and danger [Page 16] from that source is not entirely dissipated. Socialistic and labor organizations in England and France have cabled their colleagues here, pledged submission to the new Government and respect therefor as the only advisable course now, especially for vigorous prosecution of the war. Cable from Gompers and other well-known labor leaders direct to Petrograd labor leaders, or through the Embassy if he prefers, would be opportunely helpful. Time is precious as socialistic element composed of workingmen and soldiers holding continuous meeting in the Duma are advocating abolition of classes and the right of soldiers to disobey their officers. Small bodies of armed soldiers marching orderly through the streets but seldom under the command of officers. Police supplanted by city militia. Kerensky, Minister of Justice and exceedingly popular with workingmen and socialists, is exerting powerful influence by advocating orderly conduct and respect for law. Milyukov suggests that Gompers’s cablegram be addressed to N. S. Cheidze, member of the Duma and of committee which selected the Ministry.
Our first formal recognition eliciting warm commendation.