File No. 837.156/225

The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Gonzales


Your March 9, 2 p.m. and previous correspondence. You will address to the Minister for Foreign Affairs a note the body of which should be textually as follows:

The effect that a continuation of the present status of the Cuban Ports Company matter may have upon the international credit and reputation of Cuba, for which this Government feels a peculiar solicitude, has, for some time afforded this Government grave concern. The manifest desire of the President of Cuba, as repeatedly indicated to this Legation, that an equitable settlement of this matter be reached has until now encouraged the belief in the possibility of such solution. As I had occasion to indicate, however, to His Excellency the President on the 8th instant, the preponderating British interest in the securities of the company and the reiterated expression to my Government through official channels of the desire of the British Government that a settlement be reached, tends to increase the apprehension that unless some such solution be soon found, diplomatic pressure which my Government may find itself unable further to prevent, may be exerted upon your excellency’s Government.

In addition the information communicated by the company’s representative, and which, should the good offices of this Government prove futile, the company states that it intends to make public, to the effect that certain members of the Cuban Legislature are reported to have refused action in expectation of private gain, renders the present situation fraught with menace.

In view of these considerations, I am directed by my Government, which is actuated solely by a desire to continue to extend your excellency’s Government all assistance, advice and encouragement as may properly lie within its power now to reiterate its earnest hope that His Excellency the President may immediately obtain the Congressional support necessary to the fulfillment of his plan of settlement.
